chapter 9 - school

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After a half an hour or so the rest of the Fooo Conspiracy left so I could sleep and get ready for school. I had my uniform all ready, shoes, and socks ready to go. Felix walked the guys out and came back to me. He stood in the frame  way or the door, looking at me. I was out of my hospital gown and put on my PJ's. I just finished packing my backpack with all my textbooks and everything. I was staring at my phone right now. No thing from my parents. I started to cry at the though that my mom was sick again. Felix walked over to me. Wiped away the tears, kissed me and pulled me to the bed. I crawled in and he laid their next to me, my head resting on his chest. 

"I put a alarm for 7 o'clock. OK?"

"Yea that's great. Thank you for taking me tomorrow."

"Of course. I don't even want to let you out of my sight. How am I going to let you go to school?"

We both laughed. 

"I don't know, but we can cross that bridge when we get there. Goodnight Felix."

"Goodnight Emily."

It felt like I was asleep for only a few minutes when the alarm went off. Felix and I woke up. 

"Good Morning beautiful" he said kissing my forehead.

"Good morning"

I heard him chuckle so I opened my eyes to see what he was laughing at my really bad bed hair.

I look at Felix and he had bad bed hair too. I started to laugh at him. He looked up at his hair and tried to flat it out but when that failed, he just put his hat on and smiled at me.

He walked out of the room so I could put on my uniform.  By then it was 7:15. I went to the bathroom to fix my hair, brush my teeth, etc, etc. 

I walked out to see Felix had changed too. He had on his red plaid shirt, his snap back, high tops, and black jeans. 

I had on my white blouse and school skirt, a solid navy blue skirt, my crew white socks, and white shoes. 

We went down to the cafeteria to have breakfast. My doctor meet up with us before we left to give me some medication that I had to take every two hours. If I didn't, I would be in some serious pain. We finished our breakfast and were on the road. 

It took us ten minutes to get to school . As we pulled in I could see where I was attacked. Felix caught me staring at it and tapped my shoulder to steer my attention away from it. He had just parked the car and was helping me out of the car. One thing the doctor didn't tell me was that sitting and standing were going to hurt. 

It was 7:30. Classes had already started so Felix and I went to the Administrative office. We walked up to the secretary's desk. I had rarely seen her and didn't know her name. Yet somehow she knew mine. 

"Emily? What are you doing here? You should be in the hospital or at least on bed rest?!" 

Oh great she knew... 

"Does all the faculty know about what happened to me?"

She looked down in such sadness. "Yes they all do."

Felix grabbed my hand and held it knowing that me talking about it wasn' t the best. 

"Do you want to talk to Mrs. Backet?"

"Yes please."

Felix and I followed the secretary to an office in the back corner. This office belonged to the principle. She was a petite lady. She was sitting in the chair behind the desk. 

"Emily? What are you doing here?"

"I didn't want to miss anything that could be important on finals."

She looked at me like why would you do this?

We talked about how I hoped that only the faculty would know about what happened an di can tell others when I am ready too. Mrs. Backet agreed and gave me a late slip for class. 

I walked out with Felix. He kissed me goodbye and walked up to his car. I watched him as he started the car and drove off. 

Today was an even day. Day 4 I believe. That meant I had study hall right now in the library. I got there and gave me slip to the teacher and sat down with my friends at our normal seats. We had a light conversation about our English homework, then I put in my headphones and started to watch Netflix when I could feel a hand on my shoulder. 

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