-a few kiss filled moments-
There was a knock on the door n the door opened. Here's the situation, I'm on Luke's lap in my crop top n shorts n my hair up in s high pony tail while he is just in black skinny jeans n black T-shirt n his black leather jacket on the bed with my shirt. "Hey bro, we were looking for u n wow....." Michael started saying then noticed me on Luke's lap. "Uhm.... Luke... U sure u want to bang this girl? She's a freshie n pretty sure she's a virgin..." Michael continued. "Yah Ik she's a freshie n a virgin but I'm not going to knock up my girlfriend tht quick man" luke said getting to the point. I just sat their on his lap awkward. "O.... Wait..... She's yoUR GIRLFRiEND?!" Michael asked super shocked n surprised that luke already got himself a chick before the others did. Haha. "Yah Uhm wat do u need Mikey we r kinda busy." Luke asked him get a bit annoyed. "O Uhm we were looking for u cuz we r getting the remainder of who is left to go out to the backyard for the bonfire." Mikey said. "O yeah I forgot Uhm do u wanna stay for tht or dobu need to get back home?" Luke asked me. "Uh sure I'll stay for tht. Alex can wait." I said with no hesitation. "M'kay we'll b down their in a bit" luke told mikey. "Awesome! See u 2 out there then" he told us leaving the room closing the door. "What time is it?" I asked luke getting up n grabbing my shoes to put them on. "Uh bout midnight. U wanna stay the night n I'll take u to ur dorm in the morning? Or do u wanna go back right after?" He asked me getting up as well putting on his jacket. "Uh, I'll stay. If that's fine. But I dunno if alex needs me back home." I said thinking n a bit confused. "Call n ask her." Luke told me handing me my iPhone 6+. "K" I simply said unlocking my phone n clicking on Alex's number. ~ringing 3 times til she answered~ "hey bitch, u sluttin it up with ur boy toy yet??" Alex greeted me over the phone. I rolled my eyes took a real breathe n said, "no I'm not 'sliuttin' it up with my 'boy toy' I just called to c if u needed me home early..?" I asked her. "Y? U hooking up with one of them?!" She almost yelled in my bear asking. "I'm not doing tht shit. Plus he said he's going to respect me n not try anything until im ready to do so." I explained to her. "Mhm sure . hey ur staying for the bonfire thing right?" She asked me. Wow this girl can b stupid sometimes. Smh. "That's what I was asking alex. Do u need me home rn or can I stay here for the night n bae can take me home in the morning?" I asked hoping she would let me stay. Haha. "Bae? Wow u 2 already together?!" She asked surprised. "Yah we kinda r. Uhm can I stay?" I asked her. "Yah u can stay. But no funny business. N have fun love u boo!" She said to me. "K thank u n love u too. Bye" I said n we hung up. "So? Wat she say babe?" Luke asked me coming over to me as I lock my phone. "She said I could stay. But no funny business." I told him n both of us chuckling a bit. "Awesome. Well we better get going or they'll start without us." He said grabbing his phone n putting it in his pocket. "M'kay let's go" I said putting my phone in my back pocket. He grabbed my hand, intertwining (A/N- srry dunno how to spell tht word lol) our fingers n leaving the room. As we walked thru the house, there r a few ppl still partying in the house n this one girl came up to me when we stopped in the kitchen while luke got a couple drinks for us. "Hey green hair, what u doing here? Don't u think its a bit late for u to be here this late?" The girl asked me. "I have a name bitch" I fired back at her. "Oohfiesty aren't we? Well let me tell u this bitch, stay away from luke. He's mine. Got it feshie?!" She practicly yelled in my face. "Yah Uhm there's a bit of a problem with tht hun. U c, he's obviously not yours anymore cuz he just asked me out not to long ago. So I think he's mine now. Srry. Bye" I remarked to her n waved her off. "Fine whatever bitch" she said flipping her bright pink hair in my face n walking off. I rolled my eyes n turned around to face luke who just came up behind me with drinks. "Wow tht was awesome baby" he said handing me a cup of beer n kissing my lips. "Thx" I said grabbing the cup. "C'mon" he said grabbing my hand n leading us out to the backyard where there was maybe a small hand full of ppl n the guys working on the bonfire. We walked over to the other 3 boys n he introduced me to them. "So u Luke's new bae now?" Ashton asked me. "Yup." I simply said. "Cool" they said. We all turned to the fire n ashton started talking. "We would like to thank everybody for coming to the party. N thank u to the new recruits tht we gained this year n let's make a toast to the new year, better parties, n hot bitches!!" He said n raised his bottle in the air. Everybody followed along n did the same n we all cheered. A few minutes later, quite a few more ppl left. All tht was left was the boys tht live in the house n me n another chick tht was with one of the other guys. "So ashley, tell us about yourself." Michael spoke up. "K well I'm Ashley Mavis, I'm originally from Sydney, I have 3 friends but they r at their dorms. Uhm my best friend Alexis was here for a Lil while but she left for some reason. Uhm IM A partier, fashionista, I'm addicted to Snapchat, I'm going to work towards a bachelors in art n music. O n I'm also in a Lil cover band type thing with Alex." I told them. "Cool. She's a keeper luke." Ashton said to luke. "Thx" luke said back. I checked my phone n got a text from Alex,
'yo u need to come home!!'
'Y? Wat did u do?!'
'Nothing. Mia just txtd me saying tht the dorm mom is making her nightly rounds'
'Well looks I'm screwed'
'No ur not. We r on like the 4th floor n there r looonngg hallways'
'Ugh fine. I'll have luke drive me home'
'K hurry'
Ugh first she messes with me bout being with luke n now I have to go back home?! Like wtf man?!?
Woop woop!! Finally got Ashley n luke together! I was waiting for this!! There will b more romance in the next chapter. Finally made this one long. Enjoy sexies!!

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