"There was a huge ass storm last night in case you weren't aware, and it scared everything back into their homes," he informed us, and I only clenched my teeth at his response. It was true, the rain and the thunder would have been enough to drive anything inside. I was pretty sure that no one would be out and about in a storm like this. Except for Cry I guess.

"If you knew there was a storm, then why did you go?" I asked him, and he only balled his fists up, stiffening. The silence fell over our group again as he watched us, anger filling his person. I was ready to defend instantly if needed, and I only waited as the tension seemed to thicken in the air. Finally, Cry let out an exasperated sigh before slamming a fist against the cave wall, making both Marzia and I flinch back.

"I'm going to get some air!" he announced, turning and crawling back outside the cave and leaving Marzia and I inside. We sat, waiting as his footsteps walked away up the beach and then disappeared into the forest. I frowned as he left, and after a few moments I broke away from Marzia, sticking my head close to the entrance and listening, waiting. From the sounds of it, he had truly disappeared, and I sighed, sitting back down and leaning against the wall. This was so stressful, simply trying to figure out what was going on.

"Do you really think it was him?" Marzia asked, and she looked at me with soft, brown eyes. I shrugged, trying to be honest with her as well as myself.

"Everything is pointing to him. He was up every night when someone died, he's been the one leading the group around, and he's laughed and joked about the deaths before as though it were just a game." I flinched, reminding myself that this was just a game. Cry could easily see it that way, too. Maybe that was his reason for killing everyone, he didn't believe that it would cause any problems or trauma because it was simply a game, and it took no toll in the real world; or did it? I could see that Marzia was considering similar things, and I swallowed. "Last night was just too coincidental to not be him, it adds up too perfectly."

Marzia only nodded as I continued to think. If it wasn't him, who could it possibly be? There wasn't many of us left at this point, and it was starting to bother me now that I thought about it. It had to be him, no one else made sense really. It might be someone like Jack, or Mark but then again they were far too nice for something like that. Cry was the only candidate that made sense in my eyes, and Marzia only sat next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder.

"Felix, if Cry is the murderer, then we just let him out of the cave with weapons and could go anywhere," she informed me, and I stiffened. She was right, we just let him go.

"Shit." I muttered, sighing and leaning my head back against the wall with a thump. He could easily go off on his own now, and continue to kill people. If he was the killer. A part of me wanted to believe that he wasn't, and I sighed. We had no true evidence for him, and it seemed so unfair to just point him out as we had. Then again, if he was the murderer and we hadn't done that, he might have killed us later on. This was all so confusing.

"Wait, if he was the murderer, wouldn't he have taken some stuff with him to survive if he didn't plan on coming back?" Marzia asked, and I looked over to where she was looking. Sure enough, his stuff was still where he had left it and stormed out angrily. I sighed, maybe he was innocent.

"Well, we should get him back here to talk." I told her, and pulled up the roster of people once again. If Cry was right, and there was someone out there killing everyone else, then we needed to find that person to stop them. Cry or not, we couldn't take our chances.

Marzia stood up as much as she could in the cave, getting our things ready to move as we were going out to find the masked man. Maybe we needed to apologize, maybe he really was innocent after all. All we knew for sure was that he was rather suspicious, things were adding up oddly, and if he really was innocent then all of the bad luck in this world was on his side.

Suddenly, I heard the one noise that I wished I never had. The noise exactly opposite of what I wanted to hear sounded outside the cave, and I could only stiffen, eyes wide as Marzia met my gaze and the noise faded into the air. It was the sound of a cannon going off, signifying a death, and Marzia only gasped, pointing down at me. I looked down, at the roster that was still pulled up, showing the list of people still alive, the names of those who had died faded away.

Cry's name slowly faded before darkening altogether.


Oh shit. Whelp, I'll leave you all with that over the weekend! Lots of love! (please don't kill me.)

Hope you guys have a frantastic weekend, feel free to send me a virtual smack on the back of the head for this, and I'll see you all on Tuesday!


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