I am in a living nightmare.

"Do you want me to drive you to school?" Dad offered. I shook my head as a silent 'no'.

"I'll just walk there," I replied quietly.

"Are you sure?" I nodded in reply. "Well, then, it's a ten minute walk from here so you should get going."

I got up and waved at them goodbye before grabbing my bag and heading out the door. It was a matter of minutes before my nerves kicked in once again. I started trembling at the scary thought of being bullied and laughed at. I was afraid of being hurt and experiencing pain, sorrow, and grief yet again.

I was terrified of everything.

It was when I saw the high school building in front of me that I realized I have been trapped in my dreadful thoughts for ten minutes. I took in a very deep breath before taking cautious steps to the school gates.

People from every direction stared at my every move. Girls started gossiping and boys stared for a moment or two before going on with whatever they were talking about. Sweet looking girls smiled at me as they walked my way and earned a brutal, icy death glare in return. My eyes wandered and searched for the school's administration, and they successfully landed on a sign saying "Administration" a few minutes later. I went to the front desk and nervously said the next few words.

"I'm a new student here." The brunette with thick framed glasses stared back at me blankly.

"Sorry, what?" she asked, raising her eyebrows. I coughed and masked my nervousness with words spoken confidently.

"I'm a new student here and I want my schedule," I said bluntly.

"Name?" she asked with the same tone.

"Elizabeth Ryder," I replied. Her hands searched for the correct paper, eyebrows furrowed in concentration and eyes narrowed as she tried to read the names on top of each sheet. Her eyebrows relaxed when she found the correct one.

"This is your schedule, and this is your locker number with the code," She handed me the paper. I nodded and went out the door. I stopped on my tracks to figure out what number my locker is, and after reading 4035, I started my quest of finding the locker that is now mine.

It took me a few minutes, but the second I was stood in front of my locker, I hit in the code, which unlocked it, and shoved in the books that were in my bag. Then, I took another glance at my schedule and saw that I had five minutes to be in homeroom, which is Mr. Creg Gerard's classroom.

For the millionth time today, my eyes wandered around in search for the classroom, however, I was able to find it within exactly four minutes, just in time for homeroom.

The minute I entered, I was met with a huge smile of an old man which I guessed was Mr. Creg's.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Creg, and I'm going to be your homeroom teacher," my teacher stretched a welcoming hand for me to shake, and I did. "Now, class, we've got a new student this year," he gave me a warm smile which I nervously returned.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth," I greeted with no hint of enthusiasm in my voice.

"Okay, Elizabeth. Would you like to tell us something abo-"

"No," I interrupted him quickly and rudely, which I immediately regretted. The man welcomed me very sweetly and that is how I repay him?

It is for the best. Remember that.

Mr. Creg nodded at me, pointed at a seat in the middle of the class, and said, "You can sit there."

I gave him a nod before making my way towards the table. I can literally feel people staring at me from every direction. I started feeling insecure and afraid, but I shook the feeling away.

Homeroom passed as fast as lightning, and so did the first three periods. Soon enough, it was time for lunch. So, as I usually did before and after Philadelphia, I payed for my chosen lunch and sat on a table alone. Many people glanced my way and some even smiled, and to be honest, it felt different than being shoved around, kicked, and made fun of. Instead of smiling back or waving, I glared at them with an ever so rude attitude.

It is for the best. Remember that.

When the lunch bell rang, I rushed out of the cafeteria and headed towards my locker to take out the books I needed for my next subject, Pre-Calculus. And when that was successfully done, I quickly walked towards the classroom, not wanting to get a tardy on my very first day.

Many things in my life changed, however one specific thing stayed the same ever since the day I was born.

My clumsiness.

But of course, no one had to know of that. That's why when I bumped into a dark-haired, green-eyed beauty, I had to pretend it was all his fault. So, after gawking at him for God knows how long, I decided to speak up.

More like I was snapped out of my daze by the beauty himself.

"Done checking me out?" he cockily spoke up. For the first time, I did not blush at a comment like that.

Not like I got these types of comments, ever.

I gave him an icy glare and spoke the next words, "You wish. Now move, jerk."

His eyebrows raised and a smirk appeared on his annoyingly gorgeous face.

Snap out of it, Elizabeth!

"Feisty, aren't we?" I rolled my eyes.

"Egotistical, aren't we?" I gave him the most sour smile ever and shoved him out of my way before running to my next class.

I hope I do not get detention on my first day.

And I did not, instead, I introduced my self for the hundredth time today and said no more. That is how I spent the rest of my school day. I glared at people trying to be nice, I shoved people who accidentally bumped into me, and replied with a blunt 'yes' or 'no' to questions that teachers threw my way. I did not like the way I was acting. I did not like the fake facade I was putting up. I did not like this side of me. But I had to say the same words to shut the thoughts that flooded my head up.

It is for the best. Remember that.

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