Beside You (songfic)

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It was the day of Indy Pop Con, and the only thing that could've made me happier would be if Jack was here beside me. He and I had been dating in secret for nearly two years now, and these conventions were the only time I really got to see him.  He had made some excuse, saying he couldn't find a flight and that maybe when PAX came around he could go to that.  I had smiled and pretended to merely be disappointed because I couldn't see him, even though on the inside I was screaming and crying in frustration. We almost never get to see each other! It's not fair that I'm stuck with having to settle for just Skyping him when all I want is to just see him face to face! I shook my head of these thoughts, plastering a bright Markiplier smile to my face as I walked into the area where our panel would be. The first half hour or so went normally, us running around like lunatics, answering questions and whatnot. I was actually having some fun, I always felt better when I got to see fans! I ran over to two excited looking girls with huge smiles on their faces and said, "Hi! Now who might you be?" The older looking one introduced herself as McKayle, while the younger one said her name was Leah. They both shared a sly grin before asking, "Hey Mark, can you sing the fans a song?"

The whole crowd went crazy, shouting out requests and begging for me to sing. I laughed and joked, "Well I can't say no now can I?"  The two fangirls just giggled and yelled, "SINGIPLIER!!!!" I rolled my eyes at their silly antics and went back to the stage, the room falling silent as I cleared my throat.  The words just came to me, something that had been floating around my head for the past few days. "It's been so long since I've seen your pretty face... It's been so long since you've felt my warm embrace... And when you leave my blue skies turn gray... But that's okay... If they stayed blue I'd only cry... Cause all I would think of is your eyes...", I sang, my voice soft and shaky. I looked out over the crowd, feeling tears well up in my eyes as I continued, "Clover there's an ocean that separates us and maybe it's wide, but I'd swim it just to be by your side! You are my voice, my sunshine, my choice, my partner in crime! Oh you can be my lucky charm, I'll be your lover to keep you safe from harm!"  I was openly crying, and half the audience was as well.  "And Love one day I'll walk down the street with you, hand in hand! And Love I won't care if they don't understand, cause all that matters is your smile, your kiss, your hands and mine intertwined! You could be my lucky charm, I'd be the one to keep you safe from harm! Forever and always, baby believe me when I say our frames will forever hand in the hallways of my heart!", I sang on, feeling my voice getting softer as I neared the end of the song.

"And Clover... One day I'll get you the stars in the skies... Just so you can see how they dull when compared to your ocean blue eyes... And one day I'll make you see... you're everything I want to see... You're all I want....all I make my broken heart complete... You make me feel alive, after I've felt dead inside for so long... Baby you make my skies the blue of your eyes... You make the sun come out again... You make the whole world turn for me... And Clover I love you... You're my sunshine... My partner in crime... My voice.... My choice... And I wouldn't trade you for all the money in the world... For all the jewels they could offer... None of it could compare to you... Because... I love you...", I finished, wiping my eyes as the tears rolled down my face. The whole audience was in tears, thea two fangirls from before holding each other as they sobbed.  I smiled shakily, handing the microphone to Wade so I could leave and clean my face. As I walked off the stage, I heard several shouts of surprise and confusion as I felt someone hug me tightly.

I whirled around, my eyes widening when I looked down to see Jack holding onto me like he would die if he let go. I hugged him back, feeling the tell-tale shakes that meant he was crying. I rubbed his back slowly, murmuring, "Hey Jack, Jack it's okay.... You're okay right?"  He peeked up at me, his eyes watery and red as he croaked, "M-Mark that w-was so be-beautiful.... Did y-ya mean all a that?" I nodded, not even caring about the crowds as I pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. "Of course I did Jack, I meant every single word I sang...", I answered softly, staring down in his ocean blue eyes... "God you're so perfect Jack....", I whispered, pulling him into a gentle kiss.  The crowd was probably losing it, but it all faded away as we kissed. I felt those sparks, the tingle that spread through my whole body as I watched his eyes widen before fluttering shut. His cheeks slowly turned pink, and I smiled into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his waist, pulling him closer to me. After a few moments we broke apart, a shy grin on his face as he whispered, "I love ya Mark... Forever and always?" I nodded, replying, "Forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly...." He grinned, stealing another kiss quickly before turning around to face the crowd. "SEPTIPLIER AWAY!!!", he yelled, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowd. We both giggled like idiots, smiling as the cameras flashed and random fangirls screamed.

We finally made it outside, where we could talk in private. "So what happened to not being able to make it to Indy Pop Con?", I asked, holding his hand in mine as we strolled to a park. His face turned bright red and he stammered, "We-well I w-wanted ta s-sur-surprise ya M-Mark..." I just laughed and kissed him again, holding him to me as the world faded away again. Nothing mattered anymore, he was here and that was all I had ever wanted......

So that's my first oneshot, and it's based off an rp I did with fellow Wattpad user ThatCrazyGamerGirl. You guys should totally check her out, she's amazing and she's a much better writer than I am! So, how did you guys like this? The song is one I wrote myself, so I apologize for the lack of rhythm and rhyme. I am not a poet, nor am I a musician. Anyways, let me know if you liked this, and if you'd like more oneshots! I'll take requests! Buh-bye!

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