Chapter 9 - Journey with The Beloved.

Start from the beginning

I reluctantly took the phone from his hands - which were surprisingly soft -

( I didn't just think that) - and jabbed at the touch screen.

After a while I handed the phone back to sir, who was looking at me - probably observing my stupidity.

"So..." he said.

"yeah I have permission - looks like I'm staying to help you" I said trying to make it sound like I didn't really want to at all.

"So..." he said, his eyes piercing into mine. They looked like the palest shade of grey mixed with green - mesmerising... Did his eyes change colour? I could've sworn they were blue...

"So what?" I asked, returning his gaze. This teacher of mine, I swear if he didn't make himself ugly right now I will do something I might later regret.

He looked like a knight in shining armour - trust me, I didn't mean in that awful, soppy prince-saves -damsel-in-distress way, I meant the way that made him look undeniably hot.

" What do you think of my teaching? Is it up to the standards of Mr Fernando and Mr Blacksmith?" He asked.  I was a bit taken aback by this question. Come to think of it, I had completely forgotten about the two - how could I?

But taking his question in to consideration... He did teach in a way that neither Mr Fernando nor Mr Blacksmith had ever taught. He brought life into inanimate things which sparked our interest...

- But that could also be because I was currently crushing on him.

I nodded. What else could I do? He was an amazing teacher and certainly DID make me forget about my two previous teachers like... 5 Seconds after I met him.

How could I have forgetten them? If they were still here, than I probably would have been sitting here with Mr Fernando in science club, staring quietly at a test tube as if it was the most fascinating thing in the world. I remembered that day as if was yesterday, I had been unbelievably bored at the fact that I would have to stare so long at the liquid... After about 5 minutes I had begun to mess about.

"But Sir! It don't see anything!" I had yelled, and then Mr Fernando had picked it up from the stand and risen it above me, showing me the tiny flakes that were indeed present.

I had looked at him apologetically and he had looked away, clearly irritated.

I still felt guilty to this day. 

I sighed at my stupidity and let my thoughts drift to Mr Blacksmith.

If he had been here, he would've been telling me off for asking too many questions. They would both be giving me life lessons and their views on religion and I'd be arguing and arguing with them that evidence isn't always tangible... How could I forget them?

As I continued to think of past memories I realised that I had been observing my new replacement teacher's muscular body shape all the while... He's fit.

I'd always been the kind of girl that thought I'd never ever EVER fall in love or look at a guy with any interest. I had always been boy-resistant and very immune to their charm - however, with this man in front of me... He seemed different to all the rest. As if there was an exterior he held of emotionlessness and irresponsibility that he displayed to everyone, whereas inside he was just as deep as the oceans his eyes revealed. I observed him now, staring at a thick book in his hand and taking interest in its long pages, he looked sooo cute - rather like a child lost in a fairy tale.

He abruptly shut the book and began to speak.

"Do you think we should leave now? I think the bus stop should be quieter now."

To Andrew, with loveWhere stories live. Discover now