Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys. About to go to bed...but I decided I'd post a quick chapter before I did. Here's chapter 3, I really hope you guys like it! :)

My mom and I have always been close—always. I'd like to think of us more as best friends than mother and daughter. No matter where I was I knew I could always lean on her for support, she always had my back. Especially when I started dating Harry, you see, my dad didn't like him. Correction my dad never liked Harry—never. But I mean who could blame him? I was a thirteen year old girl dating a sixteen year old boy and my dad continued to remind me that all boys wanted at that age was to get in your pants. He even got a little too personal telling me about the “feelings” he had for my mother when they were younger. And I would try to explain to him that Harry wasn't like that but I mean I had no authority against him. But my mom on the other hand—she was the one who convinced him to let me date Harry. Even though he agreed to it he never learned to like Harry like the rest of my family did. The relationship I had with my mom was probably the best relationship a mother could have with her daughter.

“Okay mom. I love you too.” I smiled hanging up the phone and laying my head back on my couch. I had spent the last 12 hours talking to my mom and catching up. And turns out I’ve missed a lot. Like my little sister, Ally, recently graduated high school. My older brother is married and has a two year old daughter who he named after me and a newborn son named Jaxon. The last time I saw my brother he was pretty much broke living in my parents basement. No girlfriend no life no anything and now he was a doctor and had a wife and two kids.

And my sister, my tiny little sister that was only thirteen when I left, she’s off on her own up at OSU. I should’ve been there, to talk about those cute boys, to help her get ready for her first date, when she had her first heart break, her sweet sixteen, and her graduation. I should have been there—but I wasn’t. Luckily my mom said that as soon as she can she’s going to come out to see me and I didn’t protest…I’ve missed her as much as she’s missed me. And then maybe I could go out and visit Ally at OSU.

I jumped at a loud knock at my door and sighed as I got up and slowly staggering to the door. Who’s at my house at 12:00 in the morning? I unlock all the latches as the knocking continues.

“I’m coming hold on.” I yell out slowly opening the door to reveal a seemingly frazzled Harry.

“Do you know how long I looked for you Hailey? I searched and searched for almost three years Hailey.” He says moving past me into my house.

“Harry what are you doing here?” I whisper yell shutting the door behind me before following him into the living room

“I was so worried about you Hailey!” he says sitting both his hands on my shoulders. My body shivers with his touch.

“Harry you need to leave you shouldn’t—you shouldn’t be here.” I shrug away his hands, my shoulders feeling empty.

“Do you know how hard it was for me to let you go Hailey—” he runs his hands through his crazy curls before turning to make eye contact with me.

“Do you know how hard it was for me to leave you Harry? Do you know how hard it was to leave my friends, my family, the only life I ever knew, and drop off the planet?” I crack my voice raising.

“You didn’t have to! Didn’t you get any of my messages?” his voice becomes softer as I see his eyes start to water.

“I got every single one of them Harry—every single one. But, I couldn’t come back—I couldn’t do that to you—okay?” I admit crossing my arms across my chest, giving myself a small hug.

“It took every ounce of courage I had to propose to you Hailey—” he starts but I interrupt him my tone sofening.

“And saying ‘No’ was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do Harry but I was too young—I wasn’t ready.”

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