Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi guys. So since I got some good feedback on the pilot chapter I figured I should just go ahead and post chapter 1. I mean why not? So if you haven't already realized most of this story is set in the future. It's four years after the whole proposal incident, hence the name. I start each chapter off with either a backstory, a flashback or just Hailey remembering important events in her life. Those parts start off the chapter and it kind of foreshadows the subject of that chapter and it also adds some background details. Thanks so much for reading! I really hope you guys like this chapter I worked really hard on it. But before I post the chapter. I just want to say that my thoughts and prayers go out to all the families in Boston, it will get better. Here is chapter 1. :)

I stepped into the cab mascara streaming down my face.

“Castile Paris hotel, please.” I sniffle wiping away my tears with the back of my tear stained hand.

“You’ve got it” the driver replies not even making eye contact with me. As the cab starts to move I catch a figure out of the corner of my eye…Harry. He’s running after the cab and yelling something. I slowly roll down the window to hear his barley audible words.

“I love you.” as the light runs green and the car speeds up my tears start to pour and Harry’s figure starts to get smaller and blurred. As we round the corner I watch him stop running and stand in disbelief as I choke out “I love you too.”

I sit up quickly, sweat dripping off my forehead, and I begin to cry. Another flashback of that night. You’d think after four years I’d be over it…I’d be done with it. But for some reason I can’t get the picture of him out of my head. Harry was always happy—always—I had never seen him cry like that and it hurt. But what hurt the most was knowing I was the reason for his tears. I rejected him and then got up and ran away. Because that’s what I do…I run away from my problems instead of trying to solve them. I got over 300 voice mails and texts that night—300—some were “I forgive you” or “I’m not mad” or “Please come back” and every single one ended with “I love you Hailey…just remember that” His voice…those words…they play on repeat everyday…every single day of my life. I could’ve went back…I could've gone back…we could’ve talked things over…he could’ve forgiven me…we could’ve put that behind us…but I didn’t want that to happen.

He gave me everything, too much actually, and he asked me to do one thing in return…marry him and I couldn’t even do that. I didn’t deserve him…I don’t deserve him…I will never deserve him. He deserves way better than me. He deserves someone who will love him unconditionally. Someone who will care more about him than their future—someone who believes he is their future. Someone who is willing to drop everything—everything they’ve worked so hard to achieve, and marry him…and I just wasn’t ready. I was only 18...I had just graduated and was about to go into College. I understand Harry, being three years older than me at 21, was probably ready but I obviously wasn’t. So, I did the only thing I could think to do…disappear. I changed my cell phone number, I changed my last name, and I cut my golden brown locks and died them black. Then I picked up everything and moved to Chicago. Leaving my family, my friends and everything I ever knew behind.

The first year had to be the hardest. Mostly, because I knew absolutely no one and there were those nights when I wanted my mommy to hold me and tell me everything was going to be okay. I wanted desperately to talk to my parents…call them and tell them I was okay…but I couldn’t risk Harry finding me…it’d be too hard. I know you probably think I’m the most selfish person in the world…and I agree with you…but in the end its all for the best. After the longest year of my life, I was almost ready to give up, give in and run back to Harry. But, then I met Hannah, Hannah St. Claire, the sweetest girl you will ever meet. And lucky for me she had no idea who One Direction even was…let alone my “history” with them. Though I did tell her about my boyfriend “Larry” that proposed to me at his “talent show” and how I said no and ran away. And she agreed that it’d be better if I let him be and that’s how we became best friends. I was surprised that something good could actually come from something so horrible. So, I stayed in Chicago and continued college with Hannah by my side.

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