Chapter 2

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A/N: Hi guys. How is everyone? Decided I'd post again guys seem to like this so far. I'm extremely glad everything's okay it Boston now and they've finally caught him. My prayers still go out to all the families. This chapter is actually really long so I hope you guys enjoy it. :)

I remember the first time I ever met Harry. It was the summer before he auditioned for X-Factor. I was only thirteen at the time and my aunt was getting married. My cousin Allison just so happened to be dating a member from Harry's band, White Eskimo, and talked her mom into letting them perform at the wedding. I know this sounds really cheesy, but I never believed in “love at first sight” until I met Harry. From the moment we made eye contact to the second I heard him sing—I knew I was a goner. When they were done performing Ally left to hang out with Haydn while I sat alone at a table by myself. And that’s when I talked to Harry for the first time. The whole thing seemed so unreal and by the end of that night something had clicked. We only had two weeks to get to know each other before I had leave and go back to Ohio. And let me tell you—I spent more time with him than I’d ever spent with anyone. And we learned every single thing about each other, from the very basic things like our favorite colors, foods, etc. all the way down to the things no body else knows about us. It was crazy how much he knew and by the end of the two weeks it had seemed like I’d know him my whole life. In two weeks I had met the perfect boy, learned everything about him, went out on my first date and eventually had my first kiss. It happened the night before I left…

My mom pulled up to Harry's driveway and I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt.

Have fun honey. I'll pick you up at 10:00...don't do anything stupid.” she scolds me pointing a stern finger in my direction.

Eww...Mom.” my face turns sour and my mom begins to laugh. “His parents are going to be directly downstairs.”

I know you wouldn't but I read that you should always talk to your kids about hormones and...” she starts but I cut her off by leaning over and kissing her cheek.

Bye Mom.” I grab for the handle jumping out as I hear her laugh.

Bye honey have fun.” I shut the door and wave as I watch her drive away. I slowly make my way up to Harry's door, I reach my hand up to knock when it is suddenly swung open.

Hi.” Harry's dimpled smile greets me. “Come in.” he continues gesturing for me to come in.

Hi.” I walk past him waiting as he closes the door. “Something smells good.” my lips curve upward as I take in the glorious smell.

Oh yeah, I made dinner. It's almost ready if you want to follow me.” he grins walking off toward the kitchen.

You made dinner?” I mirror his movements following slowly toward the kitchen.

Yeah, I decided since it'd just be the two of us that—” he begins to explain when I cut him off. Just the two of us?

“Wait your parents aren't here?” I interject as my palms start to become sweaty. I had never been nervous around Harry before but realizing that I was alone in this big house with just him worried me. that a problem?” he stirs something on the stove before looking back at me.

No—I just—not at all.” I stutter as he begins to walk closer to me.

Hailey is everything okay?” he frowns slowly walking toward me.

It's just I've—um...never been alone with a guy before.” I admit biting down hard on my bottom lip. Great Hailey...just tell the whole world. Now he's probably going to think you're a dud. And realize that you're too young for him.

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