Belly art

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"So we have these choices." Louis says coming into the kitchen looking at three different pictures. One was a pumpkin another was an eyeball and another was a monster.
"They are all cute but I think I like the monster the best." You smile. He nods excited as he gets out the paint and starts painting on your belly.
When he is finished you take a look in the mirror and gasp at the Halloween themed monster now painted on your belly.
"I may not be to good at painting but I have to say I love this." He smiles.
"Me too Lou." You say giving Louis a kiss on the cheek.
"Something really girly and just right for our little girl." You smile as your sister starts to paint the sides of your stomach in a baby pink.
"I promise it will be." She smiles carefully making tan lines in the middle.

"All done." Harry's face lights up as he sees what on your belly. You walk into the bathroom looking in the mirror.
"It's perfect!" You gasp admiring what your sister did for your little girl.
"One word: Christmas, just come up with something Zayn." Liam smiles getting the paint ready for Zayn who was getting a glass.
"Okay." He smiles dipping his paintbrush in bright blue. He whispers to himself as he paints on your belly but you continue to mess around with your phone not really paying attention so you can be surprised. You were surprised and both you and Liam loved it so much! It's was perfect for the holidays coming up in just a another week.
"Something cute and cuddly!" Niall requests and Denise takes a seat in front of you and starts to paint what he was asking for. "Like Disney cute." Niall adds. She chuckles as she continues to use blue and green.

"All done go ahead and look." She smiles standing from her spot.
"Aww it's the turtle from Finding Nemo!! I love it!"

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