Your belly gets big (his pov)

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"The pictures came in sweetheart!!" I call the mail in hand. Y/N jumps up from the couch and looks at what's in my hand admiring the pictures of us. I look from the pictures to Y/N and see a difference from the first trimester. I wrap my arm around her smiling as we look through them.
"Something's different from then." I say
"Louis nothing changed its only been a month." She smiles. I look from the picture to her and know that I'm not crazy. Her belly.
"Your belly has gotten a lot bigger. I love it so much more." I smile kneeling down and placing a kiss right above her belly button.
I sing along to the music as Y/N and I cook dinner for the two of us. I smile as I turn and see my wife grabbing things from the fridge. I continue to my pan when I look over and see that she had hit her belly on the fridge door.
"Ow." She laughs at herself. I come over to her.
"Are you okay baby girl?" I ask.
"This is going to sound dumb but sometimes I kinda forget my belly is even there which is weird because it's gotten bigger."she laughs. I smile at her.
"I love your bump so much more now than I did before." I smile giving it a rub before giving her a kiss.
I sit on the couch opening Twitter just as I hear footsteps come down the stairs.
"I thought you were taking a nap." I say putting down my phone.
"I was but I need something." She says waddling forwards towards me.
"What is it boo?" I ask.
"I need a cuddle I miss you." She smiles sitting next to me I her pulled in finding it hard to get super close to her due to her baby bump growing and getting bigger.
We laugh as try and find a position that feels right.
I awaken when I hear my wife talking. I sit up turning on the light. She is already sitting up hands in her belly not looking very happy.
"Princess how are you still awake?" I yawn.
"The baby won't stopping kicking. But it's weird because it's rhythmic." She adds. I place a hand on her belly realizing how big it was and feeling a thump on her belly. It happened again and again within the same amount of time space.
"Oh my god!" I smile in excitement.
"What? What is it Ni?" She asks.
"They have the hiccups. Mum told me about them." I smile feeling another one.
"Really?" She gasps. "That's so weird but so cool at the same time." She replies. I chuckle feeling another one.

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