Something Big

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I wake up in the morning. I go and freshen up. I cannot believe that Nicole is alive. I wish I had known earlier. I missed her so much. We had so much fun. Oh, the things we did to others. I remember the old days. Once, we dyed Rex's or should I say Max's now, hair blue. We covered Ric with feathers. I remember that one day I pushed Nicole, Sam into some mud. When she got up, she was covered with mud from head to toe. She scooped up some mud and threw it at me. I ducked and the mud ball hit Richard in the face. He threw a mud ball at Nicole and she ducked resulting in a mud covered Rex. That resulted in a full-fledged mud war between us four. It feels so good to remember the old days.

I head downstairs to be greeted by a grinning Sam.

"I made pancakes," she says.

"Give me the pancakes or I will drool all over your carpet," I say.

"That didn't sound like a threat Connor," Sam says.

"Pancakes," I say.

"On the table," she says. I head towards the table, sit down, and start eating my pancakes. Sam comes and sits next to me. Its kinda hard calling her Sam now that I know she is Nicole.

"So, today is the big day right?" I ask with my mouth full of pancakes so I think it might have sounded like 'Sho, Thodhay ith tha bhigh dhay rhight?' Well I know that she can understand my pancake talk because she answers, "Yes."

"It is gonna be hard. However, I will try my best. I can't lose you again," she says.

"I know," I say being serious for once.

"They may wanna check your memories so you better get ready for another test," Sam says.

"They can do whatever they want. I can survive anything. After all I am trained to survive in any condition," I say.

"Same here," she says."They may want my proof too. I will also have the test most probably."

"We will try our best," I say.

"Don't wear that Hellfire jacket to the meeting. I will give you some white clothes," she says.

"Why do I get white? Why can't I get black?" I ask.

"You have to wear white if you want them to have a good impression of you," she says.

"What about you? You wear black," I ask.

"I already have a good impression. I am their Leader, Connor," she says.

"Oh, right," I say.

We finish our pancakes and go upstairs to change. Sam gives me new clothes and goes to her room to change. I change into the clothes she gave me. I look at myself in the mirror. I actually look better this way. The good side. I am wearing a white shirt with light blue jeans and a light blue hoodie. Thanks Sam for not giving me completely white clothes. Blue is not bad, it is actually really nice. My mom would have said that I looked like an angel. You know blonde hair and light clothes and everything. If only I had wings and a halo. I will ask Sam.

I comb my hair. They flatten making me look nerdy so I ruffle them a bit. Perfect! I head downstairs. Sam is already in the living room. I see that she is also not wearing everything black. She is wearing a white tee with black jeans and blue hoodie and black sneakers. She is wearing her Leader's pin. The weirdest thing is her hair. They are sticking up making her look like she got an electric shock.

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