Chapter 42 - Parker Wants To Know

Start from the beginning

"Alani says a lot of stuff." I told him.

"And I get a feeling that there's more to the story than you just not liking me." He told me. Of all the guys, he had to be a perceptive one unless Alani just told the two everything, but I trusted Alani not to be too much of a gossip. "You're still pouting." He said. "If you weren't still pouting and maybe had a smile of relief, then I wouldn't think so."

So my face was my betrayer. That was great to hear.

"Well, since you just technically dumped me, I think the least you could do is be honest and just tell me what's on your mind. I'm curious, and we're supposed to be friends now." Parker said.

"Long story." I waved my hand dismissively as I sat back in my chair.

"Stop stalling." Parker smiled as he sipped from his drink again.

I rolled my eyes at the re-used line. "It's dangerous territory." I told him with a warning tone.

"Stop stalling."

"Fine." I gave up, perhaps too easily. More or less everything was still heavy on my chest, making my stomach feel squeezed and smashed. I would have done anything to get that feeling to go away. "What do you know anything about Kendra and Aiden's relationship?" That started the saga that basically took up the rest of our date. I told Parker all of it because the blue eyes had just pulled it all out of me. He was easy to talk to and asked to know everything. He didn't stop me even through he should have.

I pulled out all the stops. I told him about how the girls and I had plotted against Kendra since the very beginning. I had told him about what Alani had said about Aiden's feelings in high school. I had told him about the complication between Aiden, Kendra, the dress, and me. I had told him about Kendra and her nature. I had told him about the chaos. I even told him about Aiden and my feelings.

"He's still getting married to her? After all that?" He asked me as he finished off his cup of wine. I poured the rest of the bottle into mine as I hummed affirmatively. "Then Kendra's holding something over him, just like she's holding something over you." Parker said. "I know the bloke. He can be thick, but he's not stupid."

I leaned on my palm tiredly. "You think so?"

Parker nodded. "No question about it. He won't tell anyone, though, because he's worried about Kendra now. Just like you are." He continued. "If that something didn't exist, my bets are that he would dump Kendra, then you tell him how you feel about him, and then both of you would hop to your happily ever after." Parker said.

"How romantic comedy of you." I commented as I finished off my glass of wine. "I doubt that it would just be so easy to hop to a happily ever after."

"Maybe not hop." He corrected himself with a smile. "He likes you. I'm not sure how much, but he was... happy when Kendra had called him at work about you agreeing to come to the wedding. He's overly tense when he sees you with me. It's something."

"I think you're just making stuff up now, Thomas." I called him by his last name as I spun my empty glass along the white cloth.

Parker chuckled. "Sure, I am." He said sarcastically. "Anyway, if you want my advice-"

"Didn't ask for it and don't know if it will really work." I raised an eyebrow at him.

Parker got amused with me very often. It showed a lot when he smiled at me while I told parts of the story. He was amused with me right now. "Anyway, if you want my advice," he started over, "then somehow get the video that she has on you, destroy it, tell Aiden how you feel, and then your life goal will be complete. You would have ruined this wedding." He summarized for me.

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