I had had enough of his bullshit and apparently so did Mathis. I don't think Mathis was ever this pissed off at somebody. I could feel his body start to shake, before any of us knew it Mathis had drew his gun. Blade was still running his mouth but none of us were paying any attention to him, everybody in the clubhouse was focused on Mathis and his gun that was pointed at Blade. Mathis looked down at me before pulling the trigger at Blade's feet. Blade stopped running his mouth at that point and was glaring at Mathis like he was going to kill Mathis.

"Grim why the hell did you fucking shoot at me? It's because of this slut?" Blade screamed out.

Mathis shot at his feet again. It was funny to watch Blade jump and try to dodge the bullet, it was hard to hold in my laugh but I did. Now wasn't the time to laugh but after though I'll laugh. Mathis started to talk, "well if you weren't insulting my wife, then maybe I wouldn't fucking shoot at your goddamn feet!"

After he announced who I was you could see the shock from everybody's faces except for Killer. Even the entourage group was in shock, looks like Killer and Mathis didn't tell them who I was. It was so funny that I couldn't keep in my laugh anymore, I started to giggle and then full out laugh. I had everybody staring at me weird which made me laugh even more, I couldn't help that their faces were funny. I even got Mathis to chuckle a little before he went back to talking to Blade.

"So if I want my wife to know something about what's going on in the club then I'll fucking tell her, beside I think she knows something from the riddle that may help us, so shut up and let her fucking talk and don't you dare try to strangle her again, or I won't hesitate to shoot you in the chest." Mathis told him in a calm voice.

Now because of Mathis saying I knew something important all eyes were on me. Whether they be curious looks about my marriage to Mathis or glares because I'm married to Mathis. Didn't matter to me. I knew some of the bikers were staring at my neck but so what, I'm over my nerves about it and knew once I finally told him, or better yet reminded him, that I'm his daughter I knew he would be as guilty as hell. Still feeling the eyes on me I went back to drinking my beer, I knew they wanted the answer but I sure as hell wasn't giving them without them asking me for the answer. I guess I'm trying to make Blade swallow his pride.I could feel Blade's eyes glaring at me to give him the answer, I guess he got feed up with my silence.

"Well tell us damnit!" Blade shouted pissed off.

"I'm sorry are you demanding me or asking me Blade?" I asked sweetly.

"Will you please tell us what is so important?" Blade hissed through clenched teeth.

"The riddle, 'tick tock goes the clock. Tick tock goes the Belle. Tick tock the time runs out. Better find the Belle before it's gone for good.' It's talking about a person." I explained to them, but looking around they still looked confused. I gave out an exasperated sigh before explaining furthering. "The person who sent you the riddle and beat the shit out of the prospect is talking about a person."

Killer looked a little thoughtful when I told him that. But I guess everyone else was still confused because one of the entourage asked, "how do you know that?"

I rolled my eyes again and took the last sip of my beer before telling them. "Mathis said the bell was spelled B-E-L-L-E. Now if the person was talking about an actually bell he or she would spell bell B-E-L-L. If a girl has the name Belle they would add another e at the end, so people would know her name is spelled that way or because it's a short name that ends let's say at the end of another name like Annabelle and Isabelle." I explained further into detail.

"Or like Ariabelle correct?" Mathis asked looking at me.

I stopped my body from stiffening but I nodded my head, "correct." I answered him.

Mixed Up Life  (Mixed Up Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now