Nothing's Ever Easy ~Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

“That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?” I rubbed at my chest as if she hit a sore spot-which she kind of did. “And if it doesn’t work?”

“It will. He probably likes you already. All you have to do is show him the Landon Baxter that I know and love and you’ll have him in your arms before you know it.” I smiled at her and thanked her before watching her leave the room.

I got up off the bed and walked to the window. I didn’t want Travis to feel intimidated by all this. I knew that many people only wanted to be my friend or even have one night with me because I was the son of the man who owned most of the town. I wasn’t the richest kid out there, but they couldn’t see it. All they saw was the money, nothing else.



We were about thirty minutes into the movie when i glanced over at Travis. He seemed to be quite interested in what was going on in the movie. My mind drifted off to some place where i often desired to be. I couldn't help but feel a bit envious at the fact that my nerd of a brother had a hot guy pining after him where as i had to stand and watch the guy I majorly wanted to climb like a tree stick his tongue down some bitch's throat every five minutes. granted that i wasn't around them all the time, but it still hurt. I honestly, I didn't know what Adrian saw in Mary Alice. She was nice at times but he couldn't see what  everyone else saw. She was manipulative, conniving and a complete whore. i shooked these thoughts out of my head and let my eyes drift over to Landon who instead of watching the movie had his eyes glued on Travis. He turned to face me and his eyes widened in surprise at the fact that he had been caught. I smirked at him before turning my head to face the screen. We decided to watch Red Dawn since we left Nick and Mark at home- well the neighbor's place. It was a late showing and Travis didn't want them to stay up all night. Eleanor was planning to leave immediately after the movie was done, in case Uncle Harold got home early.

When the movie was done we stepped out of the cinema and stood outside waiting for Travis and Eleanor to finish up chatting. she waved at us and took off in the opposite direction.

“So, what to you guys want to do now?” I asked turning to face the others.

“I was thinking that we could go to the arcade?” Landon suggested. “What do you think, Travis?”

“Yea, I’m cool with anything.” He seemed a bit off though.

“You guys gp ahead, we’ll catch up with you soon.” Landon nodded and dragged his sister away with him.

“Travis, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” He shook his head. “I’m sure nothing’s wrong.”

“What’s bothering you, I can tell something’s up.” I put my hand on his shoulder.

“I have this nagging feeling at the back of my head that Harold will come home early.”

“So? He’s come home early before.” I furrowed my brows. I couldn’t understand why he was worried whether our uncle came home early or not. He wouldn’t dare lay a hand on nick or mark. Eleanor would easily find a way out.

“Yea, but they’re alone. I won’t be there to stop him. if he goes overboard, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.” He put his head in his hands.

“Would you feel better if we rather went home?” he nodded. “Okay, stay here I’ll go tell Landon and Claire.”

With a final glance back at Travis, I ran over to the arcade and searched for Landon and Claire. I found them waiting in line for the bumper cars.

“Landon.” He turned to me and came over. “We need to go home, I’m sorry. We had a nice time and thank you for the movie.”

“Is Travis okay?” he sounded worried.

“Yes, he’s fine. He’s just a bit concerned about the others. He’ll feel better if we went home now.” I looked down at the ground and then turned to leave.

“Wait, I’ll drop you off.” He grabbed onto my arm.

“No, that’s okay. We’ll manage. You can stay with your sister.” I nodded in Claire’s direction.

“Please, I insist.” He pleaded. “I need to make sure that he gets home okay. Claire came with her own car anyway; she’ll probably go over to a friend’s house.”


I followed him out and Travis sighed when he saw that Landon was with me. “I didn’t tell you to bring him with you, Evelyn.”

“I tried to stop him but he latched on to me like a damn leech.” I said sticking my tongue out playfully at Landon.

“Whatever, you like me. Don’t deny it.” Landon said waving me off.

“I’m sorry but my heart already belongs to someone else.” I winked at him.

“If the two of you are done fooling around, I would like to get going now.” Travis scowled sounding aggravated.

“Chill brother, no need to get yourself worked up.” I hooked my arm into his and we walked to Landon’s car.

The drive down to our house didn’t take very long. Within a few minutes we were parked out front. I looked into the house and I could see that the lights were still on. I saw Eleanor’s shadow in the kitchen and I smiled as I saw her throw her head back in laughter. With a quick glance to the driveway, I noticed that Uncle Harold’s car wasn’t there. I sent up a silent prayer of thanks.

“Thank you for going out of your way to drop us off, Landon.” Travis said just before he got out.

“It wasn’t a problem.” Landon smiled.

Travis rushed up to the door. He probably wanted to make sure that the others were okay. I glanced at Landon. “Thank you for caring about my brother. He needs that. Although I must warn you. hurt him and you will definitely have not-so-friendly people coming after you. I may not be able to do much but Adrian would gladly step in.”

Landon chuckled. I was starting to get angry. If he thought I was just a stupid girl trying to scare off a senior then he was completely mistaken.

“’I get the message. I won’t hurt him.” I narrowed my eyes at him before I got out of the car.

Landon was sweet when he wanted to be and I appreciated what he did for me and my friends, but after what Travis told me, I couldn’t seem to bring myself to trust him completely. I watched as he took the turn at the end of the street. I had to tell Adrian about this, if that was going to stop Travis from getting hurt, then I had to say something.


A/N: soooo? what did you guys think? 
i'm sorry for it being so short and that i took a long time to upload. i had many distractions, the main one being Doctor Who.
I really hope you guys enjoyed it :D
Thanks for reading.

Much Love...Carrie♥♥

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