Chapter 30//Other people are hurting

Start from the beginning

I'm about a foot away from the motorcycle when a deep feminim voice speaks up from the darkness shocking me to The ground making me unable to move.

"Wacha Got there Faithy?"The voice Drawls out almost as if she's in a bored situation right now.Turning my head around so fast I'm surprised I didn't snap it I could see Catarina in the shadows.

Her white hair Gleaming off the moonlight giving her away almost instantly and her Eyes,Those creepy ass eyes Where glowing Bright Green and orange What made it creepy was I couldn't see anything else of her except for her hair or those unnerving eyes.

Her eyes seem to watch me are fully They are beautiful but also have a sense of sadness,Mistrust,And sorrow built in them too.Eyes that have seen to much.

I tug at my hoodie and try to reply with my voice even "Its nothing."Quite honestly this girl Creeps you out but also seems to have a dangerous Aura surrounding her almost as if too say Stay back or else.

Her laugh Sounds musical and ancient and her eyes seem to gleam brighter almost sparkling "Doesn't seem like nothing Faith."I swallow back a lump in my throat and call out "I'm sorry about your sister!"

Bad move.

Her eyes lose any sort of emotion and to my astonishment They change Slowly the colors melting together swirling making a new color,Grey.

Narrowing her eyes she seems to stand straighter i could hear the boots she was wearing crunch against the dead leaves Indicating she was walking towards me.

Her tall,thin body comes into view The black pants she's wearing are worn out and have a few holes in them her Black jacket and black tees hurt seem to held in with the night and clashes against her pale Snowy white skin making her seem like a ghost.A pretty ghostA but a ghost at that.

Oh look at this I sound like I'm attacked to her,Yeah not she's pretty but it stops there.

"What did you say?"Her voice now changes from deep to a deeper tone An octave lower and the expression on her face Frightens me the slightest bit.This girl really is terrifying no wonder no one seems to pick a fight with her.

"I said I'm sorry for your loss."I squeak out backing away even though she isn't close to me.Yeah I'm not feeling so badass anymore.

"I know what you said but what I mean is how do you know?"Her voice seems to cut through me and for a spilt Second I feel sorry for her again.Her sister jumped to her death Of course she's not going to be the greatest person after that.

She's quite possibly crazy though I lean she Did say I was part of her family which I'm not I mean sure I seem to look more like them instead of the family I'm with now but I grew up with them they are my family.

Before I could stop myself the next words slip out of my mouth "It's this amazing Invention called the internet you should really check it out sometime."

Well shit I regret saying that.

Half expecting her to fly at me and strangle my I back away once again but instead of seeing more anger in her eyes they suddenly shine with amusement.

"Sarcastic Huh?"


Is she bipolar one moment she looks like she wants to rip my Throat out the next minute she's friendly.

"What are you hiding under your jacket?"She suddenly asks cutting me off from my thoughts Straightening up I speak again "None of your concern Catarina."

She's good if she was able to see it she's like a spy.Wait....How did she know I was here?

"How did you know I was here?"I Tryed to sound bold but my voice failed me major time.

"None of your concern Faith."She spits my words back at me and I bite my lip.She rolls her eyes And shrugs her shoulders back afterwards a sickening crack could be heard.

I shudder disgusted by the sound and the next words coming out of her mouth shock me a little bit.

"Okay look as much as I would love to stay and chat I need to drop of The mother and I need to go back to my dorm rooms I wanted to tell you this...I know you won't believe us about being adopted But if you look in that file that you have hidden most likely of my name in your hoodie you will find out the truth about our family And you will see that awe where not lying,"

My mouth falls open and I strew at her in Awe "H-How did you know??"I question my eyes bulging.

"Well for starters it obvoise that you researched me Because you knew my sister died And the next thing I know I'm talking to you outside of a police station and you have a weird Bulge in your right side That's shaped like a rectangle and You seemed pretty jumpy when you saw me,So all in all I figured you wanted more information about me,Catarina Ferro Gutierrez because online wouldn't give you everything,"

Damn she's smart.

Suddenly she rummages Into her pocket and I flinch slightly not knowing what to expect she looks at me as if I was weird "Chill Sis,"The pulls out A Card And Turns her back towards me.

"Make sure no one else sees that file I have secrets that I don't want everyone to know."Her long white hair swishes behind her like a waterfall Down her back and she raises her hand that has the card in it and drops the card.

I watch it flutter To the ground and the next thing I know the darkness of the night swallows her And all you could see was her white hair.

A few good minutes later she fully disappears and I'm stuck there Thinking.

Well she certainly knows how to make a great entrance and a great goodbye geez I'm a little jealous if I'm perfectly honest.

I walk to we're the card fluttered down and Bend down picking it up.Written down on the card where 3 Bold letters and a never and
Address below.

'Hotel tres spades'
Okay hello guys hope you enjoyed the chapter but here's an important piece of information.

Faith is going to be a big part in the story now so we are going to be switching back and forth between Faith And Cat and maybe possibly I'll Do Eisukes POV.

Yeah so you can expect more Faith POVS but don't worry I haven't forgotten about cat She's still the main character.

Well bye 🌋

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