Finally the lights over the seats switched off, and the crowd erupted into a fit of excited cheers. Ia included. I laughed at her, yelling as well..
A stage light flicked on, revealing Luka in her signature outfit, with a smile plastered on her face.
"How you guys doin' tonight?" She yelled into her microphone. She laughed as we all went in a frenzy.
Ia and I were screaming by now, as was everyone around us. Music started up, much louder than I was used too, and Luka rolled into one of her newest songs. My excitement died down a bit, as I only listened to her, and everyone else's, old music. I cheered along, but wasn't able to sing along like Ia. I brushed it off though. It was only one song that I didn't know.
But then she played a other.
And another.
And another.
I was fuming by the time she got off the stage. All the songs she sang were the shitty new ones. My only thought at this point was that maybe, just maybe, Miku would sing some of her old songs.
But she didn't.
She came on stage next, sang the same-sounding songs as Luka, and then left. And then Gumi came, and did the same thing. And then Katio. One by one, they came out, went back. And lastly, Len came on stage. I couldn't even pretend to be excited anymore.
Ia eyed me, and frowned. "What's wrong?" She asked.
I didn't want to ruin her night by saying how shitty the concert was. Instead, I explained: "I have a little bit of a headache."
"You want the keys to the truck?" She yelled out over Len's singing. "You can lie down if you wanna."
I shook my head. "No, it's okay." Lying in a car for the next hour would be worse than listening to these songs, even if they were all pretty much the same song.
As the music of "Spice" came on Len walked closer the edge of the stage, turning all the girls around me into hormonal monsters. They screamed and cried and held their hands out to him like he was some kind of god.
If only they knew how "nice" he was. I wondered if they would still act the same if they did. Ia sure was.
Len's eyes scanned the crowd. He was wearing the same outfit from the coffee shop, but he had ditched the fedora. He even showed off the same wolf-like grin as before.
He continued looking through everyone in the front row, and I came to the grim realization that he might have been looking for me.

And I was right. His eyes moved right along the crowd, stopping at me. His smile grew wider when he saw me. I stared back, my face blank.

He winked, and turned around.

Ia turned to me, shaking from excitement. "DID HE JUST WINK AT YOU?" she screamed in my ear. I don't think she even knew she was yelling.

"Yeah," I grunted, too low for her to hear.

She turned back to the stage, dancing, jumping, and screaming.

By the time the concert was over, I was pissed. I had never been so glad to hear the words "Goodnight everybody!" from a famous person.

Ia and I sat around for ten minutes, waiting for most of the crowd to leave.

I sat with my arms crossed over my chest, staring down at the floor. Ia leaned closer to me.

"You don't have a headache, do you?" It was more of a statement, not a question.

I bit the inside of my cheek, still staring at the ground. "No, I don't."

"Why didn't you like it? Len Kagamine fucking winked at you."

I shook my head. "He's a dick." I met Ia's gaze. "And all the songs that they all performed tonight were garbage."

I saw a few heads turn my way, but ignored them.

"I liked it," she responded, defensive.

I began to raise my voice. "The only decent song they played all night was when Len sang Hibikase." I looked back down at the ground, my face red from a mixture of anger, annoyance, and impatience. "And even that song is only good because it doesn't suck as much as the others." I ranted on and on. "For God's sake, Miku didn't even sing Hirari! That's my favorite fucking song."

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