Chapter 6

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Marianne's POV (Destini's mother)

(9 Hours earlier)

"Miss Martin, you've made bail. I'd like to say it was a pleasure having you, but we ALL know that would be a lie." The security guard said, laughing at the last part.

He opened my cell door and as he grabbed my arm I spit on the ground next to his shoe. He looked disgusted for a moment but kept moving. All I could think about as we walked was who could've come to get me? I got up to the window to collect my clothes I came here with 5 years ago. The guard walked me to a bathroom near the entrance to change. When I was done I emerged and had on a baby blue track suit, with blood all over it. Damn.
Then I heard some high, squeaky, ratchet voice yellin' my name.

"Mari! Mari over here!" The voice yelled. I squinted my eyes, looking ahead not knowing who it was. Then I realized, it was my daughter Asia. I had forgotten all about her. She was born just a year before Destini, but by then I was on drugs and she was taken away from me. I walked up to her staring her down. She squelled.

"Ahhhhhh Mom!! I can't believe it's you." She said coming and hugging me tight. She pulled away and I looked at her again.

"Why you bail me out?" I asked her.

"Well, because. I heard what happened to you and I wanna help you. You know to get you on your feet." She said smiling at me.

"Mhmmm, and what makes you think I need your help huh?" I asked her. She looked me up and down. I could tell by the way she looked she didn't like my appearance. My long curly hair was tangled in clumps and look very brittle. And my attire didnt help the fact either.

"Well....." she started.

"Mhmm, yeah well I dont. Now take ya lil' ass on. I got shit to do." I said pushing passed her through the double doors.

( 2 Hours Later)

I sat at a booth in McDonalds thinking what to do next. I had no money, no home, nothing. Damn what am I going to do.

A little girl came up to me pull in on my track pants. For a second I had a flash back to when Amiyah and Alexis were little.

"What's wrong with your hair?" She asked me. My whole mood changed then.

"Ain't shit wrong with me lil girl. Now go the fuck on somewhere before I smack the shit out of you!" I told her she looked at me with fear in her eyes then ran back to who I assume was her mother.

They looked back at me crazily then walked away. I sighed. Mabey I did need Asia. I mean she looked like she had money. And mabey I could use her to my benefit. I got up and walked to the front of McDonalds, when I got there a pair of headlights started shining in my face. I squinted my eyes and looked up.

"Mari!," The voice said. Ahhh man I already knew who it was, " I followed you. I hope you dont mind. Come on get in." she said gesturing toward the passenger seat. I really had no choice. I walked around to the passenger seat and got in. I just hoped what I'm planning would work with her involved now.

Asia's POV

"And then what happened?" I asked my mom.

"They knocked me out, left , then I got arrested."she said while smoking her cigarette. I whistled low. Damn. It sounded like Destini was just an ungrateful bitch. I could see why Mari wanted to get her revenge.

"So where do I come in, in all of this?" I asked her. She started giving the most sneakiest grin I've ever seen. I smiled too. Whatever it was, I was in.

Tsk tsk. The sneakiness

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