Chapter 5

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Destini's POV

"Go away!" I screamed when Chris knocked on my door. I didn't want to talk to him, for all I cared he could go talk to Asia about the situation. Not me. I decided to go to bed because the whole thing was just giving me a headache. I went over to my walk-in closet and got a pink hearts pajamas set, I put it on, then got into bed. I wasn't sleep for more than 5 minutes when I heard loud high heels walking down the hall.

I groaned. Chris's room was right next to mine and I knew I'd have to endure loud moans all night. I pulled the cover over my head just as my door opened.

"Get out Chris I don't wanna talk to you. Go talk to Asia, ya new hoe." I told him. Then I started hearing high heels clacking toward me and I knew it wasn't Chris. I peaked my head over the edge of the covers and saw Asia at the foot of my bed with a gun pointed in my face.

"What the hell, where's Chris?" I asked her.

She laughed,  "Don't worry about him right now. He'll join you shortly." She said then started walking slowly over to my side of the bed. I wasn't scared one bit though.

"Yo who the fuck are you?" I asked while slowly sliding my hand under the pillow next to me to get the 9mm that Chris always made me keep there.

"What the fuck I just say! Don't fuckin worry about...." Before she could finish I swiftly pulled my gun out from under the pillow and had it pointed in her face.

"Bitch I would put that gun down if you knew what was good for you." She said pointing her gun at me also. We both had our eyes locked on each other neither dared take them off. Suddenly she swings her hand full force causing my gun to fall out my hands. She grabbed my hair and slung me onto the ground.

"Shit!" I screamed my hip stinging in pain, "Who the fuck are you?" I asked her.

She got down to my level and began petting my hair. I snached my head away from her.

"Awwww, you don't know? Well," she started, " You can just call me sis." she finished. The thought of my mother came flying through my head , so did Asia's gun on my head. Then everything went black.

Smh what's gone happen to them?
Where the twins at?
Asia in MM

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