Chapter Four: Rule #1: Freak Out When Handed a Magic Flower

Start from the beginning

"I don't know,"she answered,her face flushed."I don't remember."

I stood at the edge of the trees and on the street from where I started. We were surrounded by police cars and ambulances.

Everyone from the party was down from the house now, behind yellow 'Do not pass' police lines. Two paramedics hurried toward us with a stretcher. "What are her injuries?"One of them asked as I sat her laid her down.

"A knife wound on her stomach."I told them and started moving along the stretcher.

"Andy!"I turned my attention to my right and saw Danielle, Kent and Roxie running toward us.

"How did you three-"

"My mom started to get worried because Rachel hasn't come home yet. Then your dad called and told us you weren't home either. So we went out to search for you two when we saw the fire coming from the woods. " Danielle explained, looking at her sister with tears in her eyes.

"What happened?" Kent asked, his arm wrapped around Danielle.

"I don't know."I replied as they walked beside the stretcher with me."I went looking for her when I found her in the woods in the middle of the fire."

"How did the fire even start?" Roxie asked playing with her black hair with there green highlights. Her eyes were feel with worry.

I sighed, "I really don't know." I looked at Rachel. She looked zoned out. Then she started mumbling something.

" tried to...kill me..."

"Someone tried to kill you?"Kent asked, his eyes opening wide.

She didn't answer. She just looked up dazed, breathing heavily. The paramedics pulled up to the ambulance and started to lift the walker into the ambulance. "Get something to stop this bleeding!"The first paramedic yelled, the other moving at the command. They started to close the doors, closing me out when Rachel reached out her hand and pulled my leather jacket.

"No, please stay with me."She pleaded weakly. I looked at our friends for a second then got in when they nodded. The ambulance pulled away and the paramedics started to do something about her wounds. One pressed a white cloth to her wound and she winced. She started to thrash her legs around as the paramedic held the cloth harder into her wound, the cloth staining with blood.

I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze to calm her down."Andy,"Rachel whispered.

"It's ok Rachel. Everything's going to be alright. Were on our way to a hospital."

"Andy I can't-" Her breath was even more faint.

I put my other hand on top of hers."Hang in there Rachel. Stay strong."

"I-I can'-"She let out one quick breath out and let her head fall back. Her eyes closed shut and her hand felt limp in my hand.

The ambulance siren grew louder, the paramedics moved quicker while I just stared at Rachel, my eyes opened wide. The other paramedics went to move around frantically, looking for something to help."Step on it! We need to get to the hospital now!"

* * * *


I had the most weirdest dream. Or was it a dream? I looked around. I was at a beach, sitting on the sand. How did I get here. Where was Andy? Where was Danielle,Roxie and Kent? Where was my mom? Or anyone.

"Hello,"I called out. A soft breeze went through. Where is everyone? And what happened to the woods? I was so confused and alone. Then I saw someone coming toward me. It was a young woman with flowing black hair. She was wearing a snowy white dress. She looked so elegant and graceful. She smiled as she stopped beside me.

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