"Thank you," she whispered into Niall's ear as she sat next to him, assuming I was still clueless of last night's events.

He looked her in the eye with all seriousness, "Any man who does something like that to a girl, is no man, but a monster. It was fate that I was taking out the trash at the time you screamed, I would have been a monster too if I had done nothing." Tears welled up in Kristina's eyes as he stared deeply into them. The salty water droplets spilled over the edges of her eye lids, trailing down her cheeks. She threw her arms around him pressing her face into his neck.

"You saved my life," she managed to whisper through her sobs.

"No Kristina, I stopped a terrible man from doing a terrible thing. You are strong, and you can overcome anything." Her sobs only grew louder as she took in his words. They were true, Kristina was strong. Strong enough to deal with the trauma of the event, but not to stop it from happening. However, it was stopped, and I appreciated Niall tremendously.

As Kristina's breathing slowed, I made my way toward the stairs to leave them in the kitchen to talk. I knew Kristina would talk to me, but not now, because according to her, I had still no idea what had happened.

I unlocked my phone, turning on my favorite 80's rock station on pandora; if the music was on I couldn't hear them, and I wanted to respect their privacy.

A bar at the top of my phone showed I had unread text messages. My mother always worried. She had sent me 4 messages asking how I was. I replied with a simple: I'm great! Miss you so much mommy! Love you <3xx:)-Lex. However, there was a fifth message: I went to Andrew's house this morning, he is beaten up. Said Liam did it. You were with him right? Please call me, I'm worried. -Kev. There was no doubt in my mind that he was bring truthful, Liam's angered and chaste exit from our flat was proof enough. I quickly pulled up Kevin's contact in my phone and pressed 'call'.

He picked up after the first ring "Hello? Lexi?"

"Oh my gosh how bad was it?"

"He had a cut in the middle of a large bruise on his left temple, may result in a concussion. He also had a swollen lip and another cut near his eye." I knew the one punch to the temple was Liam's work immediately. He would go straight for the knockout.

"He deserved it." My reply didn't receive the reaction I was hoping for.

"EXCUSE ME! How would you like it if I sent someone, who was your friend need I remind you, to come beat the absolu..."

"He tried to rape her," I cut him off. There was a short pause on the other end of the line.

"What?" I wasn't sure if he completely heard me through all of his shouting.

"Andrew tried to rape Kristina, but someone saved her." I said, this time clarifying my previous statement. "Liam thought what the guy who saved her did to him wasn't enough, he thought Andrew was in need of a lesson. I agree."

"I can't believe this. Andrew? Andrew Conell? The guy who supports everything his friends do? That Andrew?"

"Yes." That was enough for him to hang up the phone. I had no idea what was going on through Kevin's head, but it was probably close to the same thing Liam was thinking. I knew he would want his own go at Andrew's face, and frankly, so did I.

When the call ended, my music resumed. I sat on the bed facing the wall paying no attention to the melody seeping through the holes in my phone. My infuriation increased as I thought about Andrew. I laid on my stomach and my boiled rage exploded in the form of screams. I forced my mouth into the fluffy pillow and let out an angry scream. The muffled noise was still audible over the music, but I didn't stop for a good 10 seconds.

I stormed about my room and bathroom as I got ready for bed. I ripped back the covers, collapsed onto my bed, and turned out the lamp. My head hit the pillow and my mind went blank. I was so angry I couldn't think right, I couldn't fall asleep, I couldn't see straight, and my head started pounding. Suddenly an image of Liam's smile flashed in my mind. Liam had given Andrew what he deserved for me, so that I didn't have to. He barley knew Kristina, yet he was willing to punch one of his good friends in the face as hard as he could for her. My punch wouldn't have been as hard and he may have hurt me back. This thought worried me, and I was thankful Liam had taken care of business so that I wouldn't have to. I was thankful of Liam's protective nature. I was thankful to know Liam was there for me and my friends. I was actually thankful that Liam had kissed me, because for some reason, it made me feel safe.

______________AUTHOR'S NOTE___________________________________

Thank you so much for reading this, it means so much to me!! Please comment and vote!! I will take suggestions for upcomming chapters and do my best to try and fit them in. The next comming chapters are going to be so great! New characters, new romance, and some characters from a fan fiction favorite! Thanks again for every one's support! xx:) (p.s. sorry for any typos and spelling errors, it's difficult to catch them all)

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