Chapter 6: You know them?!

Start from the beginning

"Is this seat taken?"

I looked up and saw that it was Connor.

"No. Go for it," I said gesturing to the chair.

He smiled and sat down.

"You never called."

"Sorry, I was pretty busy," I said with a sad smile.

"Hey, are you okay? You look like you're going to cry."

I shrugged. "I've been trying my best not to."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head.

"Well if you do, I'm here," he said.

"Thank you."

"Since we're both here, do you wanna hang out for a bit?"

I nodded.


"Wow, so you're from Minnesota? What brings you to San Clemente?" I asked Connor.

We were just walking around the mall and talking.

He shrugged. "I'm just here to visit. I've been trying to get a hold if a couple of my friends from here, but they wouldn't answer their phones."

I nodded. "Aw. But it's so cool that you get to get away from home. I wish that I could do that sometime."

"So why'd you come to the mall alone? A pretty girl like you should have a lot of friends."

I smiled. "I actually don't have friends. I just lost my only friend yesterday."

"Oh that's too bad. What happened?"

"She's just mad at me. It's kind of a long story."

Connor looked down in disappointment. "That really sucks. I'm pretty sure your boyfriend keeps you company though."

I looked down and felt the tears coming again, but I was fighting them. "I don't have one."

"Why are you tearing up again?"

"It's nothing really. It's just this guy that kind of broke my heart."

"What'd the jerk do?!"

"He was embarrassed to date me before, so then I completely changed for him and he basically only likes me because I've changed."

Connor hugged me and gave me a reassuring smile. "Well that's just his loss."

I looked down and half smiled. "Thanks."

I looked back up and saw Sam Pottorff, Kian Lawley and their group of stupid friends. Just my luck. I mumbled a few swear words under my breath. Then I heard Connor yelling and running over to them.

"Hey guys! It's about time that I finally see you!" Connor said and ran over to them.

"Hey dude!" I heard Kian shout.

"What's up, Connor?! Long time no see!" Sam said.

"Oh, I was just hanging out with a friend of mine, Naomi," Connor said beckoning for me to come over to them.

Sam and I stared into each other's eyes for a moment and I just stormed off. Sam chased after me and quickly caught up with me and grabbed my arm and turned me to face him.

"What the hell do you want, Sam?!"

"I want you to talk to me. I want to be with you!"

I scoffed at his response. "Well that makes one of us!" I shouted back trying to walk away.

Sam turned me to face him again and he kissed me.

"I need you, please Naomi."

"Listen, Sam. Just leave me alone. I just want to go home," I said softly to him. 

He gave me a sad look and let me go. I loved him, but I couldn't let this happen to me. I am done with Sam. I quickly found my car and drove home, wiping away the tears that were blurring my vision.

I ran up to my room and just sat there crying. My phone was ringing and when I checked the caller ID it was Sam. I began contemplating on whether or not I should answer. I sighed loudly. Why can't he just leave me alone? After about a minute, I finally picked up.

"What the hell do you want, Sam?!" I shouted through the phone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chill out, it's just me, Connor. I'm using Sam's phone."

"Oh hi, Connor," I said a lot less angry now.

"What was that whole thing at the mall about?"

"Sam was the one that hurt me," I said softly.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, I didn't know, I swear!"

"I know. How do you know Kian and Sam anyway?"

"We're all kind of YouTube famous...."

Wow. Sam Pottorff and Kian Lawley, Internet famous? Why didn't I see this coming?

"Of course."

"I'll probably call you back later. I'm going to yell at Sam now. Bye!"

I hung up and smiled quietly to myself. . Connor is a really good friend. I'm glad I met him.  


I woke up this Monday morning and was dreading every second of getting up. I didn't know how I could face Sam after that whole crazy situation at the mall two days ago. I groaned in frustration and got up.  

I quickly showered and got dressed. I ran a comb through my hair and put it up in a messy bun. I searched around frantically for my glasses. I sighed. I couldn't wait for my mom to get home so she could get me more contacts. I also miss her a ton. I hate feeling lonely. 

I grabbed my backpack and keys and ran out of the door, not even stopping to eat something for breakfast. I was much too nervous to eat anything. The last thing I wanted to do was see Sam's dumb face.  

I slowly dragged my feet against the pavement trying my best to waste time. After a while, I got to school and somehow was able to drag my feet up the stairs and into the main entrance. 

I walked the direction of my locker and it was blocked by Kian and Sam's dumb friends. I wasn't even in the mood to be nice. My manners flew out of the window. I glared at them for a moment and then finally spoke up. 

"MOVE!" I shouted.  

This startled them and they quickly shuffle aside. I angrily and aggressively threw books in my locker and then slammed it shut. I began storming off and Sam followed. Of course.  

"Naomi, stop! Why are you so angry all of a sudden?" Sam demanded. 

I crossed my arms. "Oh, am I?"  

"Stop messing with me and tell me what the hell's the matter with you?!" 

"This is exactly why I can't stand you! You're a jerk that doesn't know the definition of respect apparently." 


"Sam, why don't you do us both a big favor and just leave me alone? Please?" I said softly.  

He looked down and walked slowly away from me, while I did the same in the opposite direction. I can't believe that I was so childish as to believe that Sam actually felt something for me. I rolled my eyes at my ignorance. 



He Changed me... // Sam PottorffWhere stories live. Discover now