Māma, why?

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A/N this chapter is not edited yet so many spelling and grammatical errors should be expected.

Many people are scared of the dark of their home. I am as well.

But when you are trying to find someone in the midst of a dark, moon-lit, bamboo forest... It takes Nyctophobia to a whole new level.

Wait there was a bamboo forest here before? I thought it was a bunch of willows...

"Ai!" I yell through the darkness, as my head starts pounding with paranoia.

Paranoia as in, tiger leaping out of the bushes and eating me alive.. Or some ninjas kidnapping me for a cult, or a panda crushing me, or... Well you get the idea.

Tears threaten to spill, when I felt a familiar hand grab my own.

"Gen." She says, as she lifts her pointer finger to her mouth... Motioning me to be silent. Then I notice an unnatural light coming from inside the dense forest.

Or maybe it wasn't even inside the dense forest... And it was a small village.

I unlatch my bag and retrieve my map and paint brush.

Wait, I have no room on this one if I want to finish the Great Wall.

I shuffle through my bag, attempting to find another piece of parchment, when I heard a voice from the village. It was the same ancient tongue Ai used... And I soon realized it was getting louder and louder.

As if running for us.

Ai quickly took my hand and ran through the brush, looking for something big enough to hide underneath.

Suddenly, I feel a giant, rough hand grip my neck from behind. Ai let out a startled gasp, and I attempt to turn my head to get a better look at the man.

He said something to Ai in ancient tongue, and she responded... Only to make him tighten his grip around my neck.

Is this someone of her caliber? I couldn't get a good look at him... So maybe he is as beautiful as she is? Or handsome? Am I going to die? Will my final breaths be because I let my curiosity get the best of me... And opened the casket?

Then her voice turned shrill, and she yelled something at my captor. I feel his grip loosen a bit, and I scramble behind Ai.

I was right. He was very handsome.

I quickly refrained from staring at him, for I feared that if I stared to long... I would gain a crush of the same gender.

Ai turned on her heel, and did something unexpected. Her aura started to illuminate faintly... And her lips touched my cheek.

My head began to feel fuzzy, as I realized she gave me knowledge of something. I didn't understand what for... But then the man spoke again, and I could understand him.
(A/N I don't know any ancient Chinese languages, so what their saying is going to be in italicized English.)

"Why have you brought this boy to our era Ai?"

"Chi, he awakened me from my slumber..."

"That doesn't give you the right to bring him this far back in time! You don't know what could've happened! He hasn't even been born yet!"

"I know that... It's just that I couldn't leave him there without any answers. That would be unfair."

"Life is unfair. You should know that by now." She gives out a 'hmph' and the man continues to talk.

"You are a goddess, our goddess. You got put in that tomb because you fell in love with a mortal. Ai.. Do you want that to happen again? If you and this boy go on traveling together... And you fall in love..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2015 ⏰

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