Breaking Your Trust

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》 Jacob 《

"Hey Y/N," Jacob called out from your kitchen. "I need to go, Bella needs me. I'll be back in a while."
Without waiting for your reply he left leaving you in the living room frowning.

That was a few days ago and you couldn't help but sigh sadly at that memory.
Lately it was all 'this Bella' and 'that Bella' and you would be lying deeply if it didn't break your heart every time you heard Jacob talk about Bella.
I mean, you were his girlfriend after. But now you didn't feel like that any more. You just felt like the girl who stood by her boyfriend pursuing a girl older than him.
Ever since that incident, you stopped talking to Jacob; no more texting, no more calling, and most importantly no more seeing his face.
Most people would call that over dramatic but you didn't. Who would call you over dramatic if they knew how abandoned you felt by the man you love. The same man who you thought had felt the same way but most probably not because he was too into Bella to notice anything but her.
A scoff escaped your lips as you went through the texts Jacob kept sending you.

- Babe are you mad at me?
- Y/N what's wrong
- Why are you ignoring me
- Why didn't you show up at our date today
- Y/N

You almost replied to him but you knew that once Bella came back to talk to him, he would forget and ignore you once again.
Your eyes started to fill up with tears and you started to cry against the pillows on your bed.
Why was Bella doing this, you thought broken heartedly. Didn't she know you were in love with Jacob and that Jacob was taken. Either way, it didn't seem to matter because even if she didn't like Jake like that, you knew he was head over heels in love with her.
You started feeling really bad and sobbed harder. Maybe Bella deserved him more than you. After all, when Edward left, Bella would barely even live. But with Jake, she seemed happier and was more lively. Maybe, the only thing you could do was let Jake go so he didn't have to be burdened with you.
You humbly reached for the phone and sent a text to Jacob.

- We're done. Have fun with Bella

Not even a few second later, you felt the phone vibrate due to the fact Jake replied.
Most probably thank you and what not, you thought bitterly continuing to cry against the comforter.
A few heart-wrenching sobs later, your eyes slowly drooped and you fell asleep.

-Thack, thack, thack-

You groaned as your eyes opened. You felt the dry tears on your face and a headache to remind you that what happened a few hours ago was real.
You groaned and fell back on the bed sulking.

-Thack, thack, thack-

That sound was heard once again and you got out of the bed.
The sound seemed to be coming from the curtain and when you did look out the window you saw Jacob standing there looking miserable.
You sighed and opened the window, not only letting him in but also the heavy rain.
"What are you doing here Jacob," you asked coldly, crossing your arms.
Jacob looked at you sadly. "What did I do?"
You looked at him again confused.
"What did I do? Why did you break up with me? I thought you loved me," he asked in a small voice.
Your tears escaped now as you grazed in his eyes.
"What do you think you did? You were too busy with someone who isn't your girlfriend Jake. You would always blow me off for her. And I know that you're trying to make her feel better after Edward but God," you started sobbing at this point. "Don't you get it, I know you love her a-and I know t-that I'll never be as pretty o-o-or smart o-or amazing b-but why. Why- why do you ignore me for her. A-and you don't n-need me anymore. Y-you're in love. And th-the worst part is tha-that you aren't in love with me b-but with h-her.
So please, please leave me alone," your throat hurt and you started at the floor in pain. "Please j-just pained me to break up with you because of her but I d-did. Beca-because you deserve someone who can make you h-happy. An-and I'm n-not Bella. So j-just l-"
Jacob silently cried before pulling you in his arms and cutting you off.
"I'm not in love with Bella. I swear, it's always been you. And please understand that I say this from the bottom of my heart that I never wanted you to feel this way. I love you and I had no idea that I was ignoring you or being a horrible boyfriend. But for the love of god, don't leave me. I would be crushed to let go of the only person I really care about. I promise never to see Bella again and ignore you. I swear it on my life. Just d-don't leave me."
Jacob started sobbing out on your head and realized that you were just being dramatic and nodded against his chest.
Jacob sobbed and you pulled him on the bed. He lay his head on you and you calmed him down enough for him to go to sleep. You sighed and mentally scolded yourself for the actions you took and for ever doubting Jake. He wouldn't do that to you ever again, you thought.
But how wrong you were.
Everything just seemed to go down the drain when you found out that the Cullens were back. It wasn't you who was mad or anything, but rather Jacob. You couldn't understand why Jacob was making a huge deal out of it. You thought he left Bella alone after that night when Jacob told you he loved you not Bella.
A week after they came back to school, Jacob seemed to be ignoring you once again. This time you couldn't help but feel sad again but quickly pushed that feeling away. After all, what happened the last time you doubted him was something you didn't want to go through again. So you tried to trust him.
But that trust came to kick you in the ass the next morning. That morning where he broke your trust and your heart. And how? When he drove his bike to school to only head towards Bella. You caught his eyes but they were steel cold when he looked at you. But that look melted when he saw Bella.
You stood there paralysed, broken. Jacob talked to Bella and you saw him lower his mouth to her ear causing Edward to almost punch him. Jacob smirked at them and you saw him get on his bike before waiting for something. Next thing crushed your soul when Bella ran and got on the bike with him. You saw him smile and speed away.
Your heart started wrenching and you're tears escaped freely and you ran to your car before speeding away from the school. Away from what you just saw. Away from the heart breaking reality.
1.06 K
Now, on the calmer side (WHO AM I JOKING I'M STILL SO EXCITED) if you don't like how the one shot finished, you guys can make an Alternative Ending with the picture I posted with this chapter.

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