chapter fifteen

Beginne am Anfang

The hospital came into view and I parked my car quite close to the entrance. I stayed in the car to send Camila a good morning text. Knowing how much she loved to sleep in, I expected her to still be asleep. It was only 10 o'clock after all.

Am I a morning person? I guess you could say that. There were times when I'd get up around 4 in the morning only to watch the sunrise, so that must explain a lot.

"rise and shine, cutie. how are you? i already miss you."

Damn, that sounds needy. I can't do anything about it, though. I've already sent it.

I took the key out of the ignition and left the car. After I'd locked it, I started walking towards the entrance.


Just like I assumed, the appointment wasn't anything too serious. The doctor asked me a couple of basic questions and I purposely dismissed the thing that happened with Camila yesterday. I thought I'd leave it for my first appointment with the new therapist.

He also told me the therapist was expecting my call today in the afternoon, which I couldn't forget to make.

I got to my car and unlocked it. I got in and closed the door. I took the phone out of the pocket in my jeans and checked if I had any new messages or missed calls.

Even though I've been at the hospital only twenty minutes, I had 5 new messages.

One was from Normani, two were from Camila and two were from Ally. Dreading the ones from my old friends, I decided to check the chat with Camila first.

camila the cutie: "Mormonng. Otoo damn sleepy." [10:03 AM]
camila the cutie: "I'm sorry, now you know what my typing looks like in the morning. I miss you too, Laur. Ps our moms are up to something." [10:11 AM]

I smiled at the typos she made and the nickname that appeared one more time. I started to love it. And she noticed too! I wonder what they are planning.

I decided against texting back, maybe I'll call her when I get home. Now came time for the messages from the other two ones.

allycat: "Lauren! Hi, it's so good to hear from you. I'm really happy to know you're doing better. I love you too!" [10:07 AM]
allycat: "Troy and I are good, the trip is amazing. I have so many pictures to show you and stories to tell you (: " [10:08 AM]

The tears were threatening to fall down as I reread the messages. I'm so grateful for that girl.

I wonder what college she decided on, hopefully one in Miami or at least close to the city, I don't want to lose any more moments with her, she is one of the most important people and I'd kill for hugging that tiny body of hers.

mani my diva: "you could never be the shittiest friend in the world, silly. i love you too. call me later or something."

That seemed suspiciously. Usually Normani was cheerful and positive in general. And here, she seemed so down. Something was up.

I'll call later, just like she suggested, and find out everything. But for now I focused on getting home safely.


Camila's POV

"You should go out with Lauren again." My mom said randomly while reading newspaper.

The news couldn't be interesting if she thought about me and Lauren, right? She was definitely up to something and I intended to find out what it was.

"Why, mom?"

"Well, uh.." she paused, struggling. "You had a good time yesterday and she's a great girl. Why not spend another day with her?" she tried explaining.

mending the pieces ~ camrenWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt