And each present starting from my eight birthday present is exactly what I had wanted the most. How could anyone have known this?

               “, did you guys know what I wanted for each of my birthdays?” I ask softly.

               “Of course we did, Skye...we just couldn’t afford them,” mum whispers apologetically.

               “No! I don’t mean it like that. I mean, if you guys knew what I wanted...did you ever tell anyone else?”

               “No,” dad answers quickly.

               “Well...then whoever this is...they know what I want. Wouldn’t that mean that whoever it is has been watching me? Following me?” I whisper my voice hoarse. I can feel a chill run down my spine. This is seriously scary!

Absent mindedly, I open up the last present, the one that’s meant for this birthday. My fingers tremble slightly as I pick up the heavy, black leather jacket. I’ve been admiring this jacket for almost two months now. Leather is so old school and all...but it’s really beautiful. I didn’t even tell mum and dad about this one!

I swallow loudly as I try the jacket on. It fits me like it was made for me.

Whoever it is even knows my size...I never even tried on the jacket! How could anyone know not only know which jacket I wanted, but also the exact size?

               “Are you alright baby girl?” dad asks, resting a hand on my shoulder.

               “Yes,” I mumble back. “I’d been admiring this jacket for a while now...but the size is perfect! How could anyone know?” I whisper inaudibly.

Connor and Summer look just as worried as I do.

               “Maybe we should make a police report?” Connor suggests softly.

               “For what though? She’s just been getting birthday presents. I doubt the police would take it seriously,” Summer argues, looking thoughtful.

               “But the fact is that she’s been getting presents that she’s been eyeing and that the jacket fits her perfectly, wouldn’t that mean someone has been following her? Surely the police would help,” Connor retorts.

               “But whoever it is has been giving me things that I’ve always wanted way back since I was eight. That would mean that they’ve been watching me since then,” I reason.

               “Skye, do the initials seem familiar to you? At all?” Summer probes.

Hmm. does seem familiar. But where do I know those initials? I toy with the ring hanging around my neck. Mum and dad said that I was already wearing the chain when they got me.

               “Holy crap! Skye, the ring!” Connor shouts out, jumping to his feet.

He crosses the room and stand directly opposite me. He reaches for the ring and scrutinises something.

               “HC!” he exclaims, brandishing the ring around.

I snatch it out of his hand and look down at the engraved letters. How could I have not realised it?! I’d been puzzling over the engraved initials on the ring for ages! Could the person who’s been sending me these presents be the same as the one who gave me this ring? I always assumed the HC on the ring were the initials of my given maybe Helen Carter or something.

               “He’s right,” I stammer softly.

The next thing I know, mum has her hands wrapped around me. She holds me tight for a few moments as I try to process what’s going on.

               “You could sleep in our room tonight, sweetie,” mum offers, patting my head.

               “No...I’m okay. Thanks,” I whisper, pulling away from her.

               “You sure?” dad asks to confirm

               “Yeah. I’m okay,” I mumble awkwardly.

I don’t think I’m okay though. I’m pretty freaked out about this! Who in the world is HC?

               “Don’t worry mum and dad, I’ll make sure she’s fine,” Summer volunteers walking over to my side. She rests an arm around my shoulders and pulls me to her side.

               “Thanks,” I whisper quietly.

At least this way I won’t have to spend the night alone.

Hmm, I’m definitely going to have to rank this as my top most unforgettable birthday so far.

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