Chapter 9: Sarson For Life

Start from the beginning


Sean's whole body went rigid as he turned around to the voice who shouted that. His eyes landed on me.

"Sean! Look out!" I cried out, Josh's fist about to land on his cheeks when he swiftly dodged it and landed a punch on Josh's already broken nose.

"What is going on here!" The voice of our principal's voice boomed throughout the hallway, the fight immediately coming to a stop. "All of you get to classes, now!" He yelled, his face bright red. He was angry, for sure. "Josh Parker! Sean Matthews! My office, now!" The principal yells. "Everyone else, get to class or you all get detention."

Everyone ran off in the direction of their classes, talking amongst themselves about what just happened.

I knew for a fact that people would be talking about this fight for the next two weeks, I guarantee until someone does something stupid.

Sean's eyes locked with mine once more, filled with guilt and anger, before he left.


"Wow," I muttered.

"Wow is right," Mason said, taking a seat next to me on the bench.

"What do you think the punishment is?" Naomi asked with a frown on his face.

Carson sighed. "I didn't even know there was a party on Saturday." He said with a confused look on his face.
Mason nodded his head. "Yeah... the three of us stayed home and..."

"Played countless amounts of video games and talked about our nonexistent love life." Carson finished.

I let out a laugh.

Mason rolled his eyes. "Shut the fúck up, you talked about your nonexistent love life and how you wanted to marry Miranda Kerr."

Carson shrugged his shoulders. "She's hot."

I rolled my eyes. "Idiots."

"Has Sean texted you guys?"


"Do you guys want to come with us to his house later? Mason asked Naomi and me.

Naomi shook her head 'no'. "I promised my brother I'd go suit shopping with him." She sighed. "Damn it. Tell him I said to get better."

Carson snickered, "Oh my gosh, Sean's going to look funny with that bruised face." Friend goals.

Mason once again rolled his eyes. "You're horrible."


I snickered. "I'm sure he'd love to hear that."

Carson grinned. "Oh well. I got in a fight a while back and he made fun of my black eye so I'd say we're even."

I shook my head, "You two are crazy."

"I ship Sarson." Naomi blurted out, laughing. "Sarson for life!"

I started to laugh, imagining Sean and Carson acting like a couple.

Mason burst out laughing. "We should make a tee-shirt out of that!" He high-fived Naomi.

Carson scowled. "Really? Of all people, Sean!? Gross! Why can't it be me and Ryan Gosling or someone else?"

Naomi giggled. "I think you and Sean would make an adorable couple."

Carson scowled, "I don't approve of this."

"I don't care. I'm making tee-shirts out of that."

"Sarson for life!"

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