The Ride Home...

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Her mom walked out,we followed..We went downstairs and not knowing but it was time for them to leave...I didn't want them to leave...I wanted to stay forever...I wanted her to stay with me...But I couldn't stop them...So I had less then five minutes,I sad goodbye to her sister,hugging her saying "I love you okay?" In a soft voice,as she replied happily "I love you too!" Dang,how much i missed her small voice. Then onto her...We both hugged one last time as she said she loved me,I replied saying that I loved her more....I tried holding back so much,I needed her....But she had to go....I saw them walking away....I started feeling a bit alone again....As soon as they disappeared from my vision,I started feeling the tears coming back...I held them back a bit...That is until we drove off,that's when I let it all out when I heard our song on the radio....It felt like,today was meant to happen,the people above finally gave me a break,what I've been praying for...So I cried the way home,and I mean,the whole ride home,so basically close to an hour....All I kept thinking about....Was her....That moment I got to spend with her....In my head I kept thinking....Did that happen...? Was it real...? But no,it was real alright,my heart was warm....It only got like that when I would see her....And of course think about her.....Bottom line is,I was happy.Crying tears of joy,that needed to come out...It felt good,to cry without worrying,crying without fear,it was crying with the fact of me being happy....The last time I cried with tears of joy was when we kissed the last time I saw her....Now I can say I repeated history,but this time....She's not leaving me.....We'll be together again in a few days..........

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