She looked happy, and I didn't want to ruin that. Of course it would happen soon though, she was right, someone was going to find out about us and it would not be pretty. Therefore, I was going to have to talk to her about that, but not that day.

Leaving the school, I went home so I could drop my things and go to the border.

- Hey, Axel. - my sister said, coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorns.

- Hey, are you going to see a movie?

- Yeah. You wanna see it with me? - Leah asked, smilling.

- Huh... sorry, but I have something to do. -  I excused myself, her smile dropped.

- What if, we saw the movie when I come back?

- Really? - her hopeful and happy smile made me smile, too. I loved to see her happy. It was my sister, after all, all the family I had. Then I had an idea. - Lee, I have to tell you something...

- Oh dear brother, I already know about you and your mate. - she said, giggling.

- What?! How? - I demanded, incredulous. How the hell did she know? Oh my God, what if someone had told her? Maybe someone knew! I had to go see Silver, she had to know, they could...

- Brother! - Leah screamed at my ears, blowing away my thoughts and my audition. I looked at her, sullen, before she could continue. - Stop panicking, noone told me. Both of you are safe.

- So how do you know?

- I followed you.

- You what?! - I shouted, making her jump and almost drop the popcorns. - Do you how dangerous it is to go to the border?!

- But you go too!

- It's different! You don't approach the Nightwalker land again, understood? - she nodded, sadly, pouting big time. Sighing, I went to her side and hugged her closely. - Sorry I screamed at you, but I don't want you to get hurt, sis.

I kissed her cheek, making her laugh I little and pushed me away. She went to the couch, turning on the tv and started to eat the popcorn. And with all that little discussion I had forgot what I was going to ask her.

- Lee, I was thinking...

- Impossible. - she mocked me.

- Ah ah. - I sarcasticly laughed. - Would you like if I brought Silver here, so you could meet her?

- Yes! That would be awesome! - she squealed, jumping out of the coach and hugging me.

- Ok, ok! Let go of me, you little pup! I'm going to get her then. Behave! – I warned.

- Ok, hurry up!

I got out of the house, undressing and picking up the clothes in my mouth before I started running. As I was already used to do, I raised my snout, smelling around and trying to catch the addictive Silver's scent.

As soon as her smell touched my nose, I was running towards her.

I saw her standing near the borderline, seated on the ground, just sunbathing, with her beautiful face turned up, her eyes closed. She was just dressing jeans and a shirt, in the snowy March with temperatures of minus ten, twenty degrees. However, we were werewolves, we had a really high body temperature, so we didn't got cold.

When she saw me, she got up and hugged me.

- It took you long enough! - she whined, furrowing her elegant blonde eyebrows.

- Sorry, princess, I had to take care of... something.

- What? - she asked, curious.

- Would you like to come at my house and meet my sister?

Silver's eyes were wide open and her mouth slightly hanging too. I pulled her closer to me, resting my hands on her hips and my head on her shoulder, kissing her neck softly.

- Don't you wanna go? - I asked, my voice muffled with her hair and neck. I could feel the chills running through her body when my lips touched her neck again. Sucking on her skin, I left a little dark mark on her creamy neck. Happy with my work, I pulled way to look at her. - Silver, answer me.

- I want to, of course I want to, but would she like me? I mean, you're rogues, I'm a Nightwalker... - she trailed off, her cheeks getting pink when she hid her face on the crook between my shoulder and arm. She was so tiny that she only could reach my shoulder.

- Katherine Silver, she is going to love you! - I said, with my face serious. She didn't need to be afraid of Lee, she was my mate and, even if my sister didn't like her, Leah would never make her feel unconfortable. I wouldn't allow it.

- Don't call me Katherine! I hate that name! - she hissed, poking my side, hard.

-That hurted! Kiss it better! - I whined, pouting at her.

Laughing, she kissed my side.

- Better, you big baby?

- Much better! Now, come on, let's go meet my sister.

The NightwalkerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora