Good bye Gryffindor

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Dracos POV

Shit. Why have I just asked Harry fucking Potter what was wrong. Like I care! Do I care? Would I have asked him if I didn't care? Of course you don't care, your a malfoy!

"Like you care Ferret" He spat at me, I felt my face burn red with embarrassment. I do care, but why? Why do I care so much about Scarhead. I tried to cover my face with a smirk but it faltered slightly.

"I don't care, except when you come charging in to me like that, quite frankly I just find it rude Potter" I deepen my smirk, looked at his red, blotchy face and let out a sly laugh "your pathetic Potter, what fallen out with your girlfriend? Did you finally tell her your gay?' I walked up to him so his back was pressed against the wall. I watched as his face slowly turned redder.

"Fuck off Malfoy, I'm not gay" He hissed at me looking up straight in to my eyes.

I leant down, leaning my hand on one side of his body so my lips brushed his ear "Shame" I whispered, I laughed and strolled away.

Harry POV

The great hall looks amazing but I couldn't take it in. All I could think about was what Draco had just said to me..I glanced over at the blonde. Our eyes meet for a second he looked confused for a moment before a smirk took over his face and he looked away.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts" Snapes voice boomed around the room as he stood at the Professors table, using his wand as a microphone "This year there will be some changes"

"Oh brilliant, more death eater shit" I hear Rons whisper in to my ear, I shiver as I think of the last person who whispered in my ear. My eyes slide over to Malfoys but they were looking at Snape, let out a small laugh in reply to Ron.

"After much talk from the other professors and I, we have decided due to the fact many characters have changed after the war and that a the age of eleven characters aren't fully developed we will have a re-sorting for all student in their 5th year and above" Snape Smirked widly, what the HELL!?

The great hall was in uproar, people were on their feet shouting at the top of there voice.

"Probably just wants more snakes arsehole!" I heard Ron yelled springing to his feet, I looked over at Hermione in tears. She knew she would be put in ravenclaw and so did Ron.

They had only just got together and now they're being separated. I looked back at Snape. "After the first years have been housed, students will be called three at a time to be re-housed. Let the sorting begin" Snape didn't put as much enthusiasm into his speech as Dumbuldore use to but his smirk was strong and I could tell he was enjoying this.


After the first year had been sorted Gryffindor had gained quite a lot of new members, but I knew we would be loosing alot soon.

I looked over at Hermione still in tears leaning against Rons shoulder. I put my arm around my best friends. Glancing round the rest of my house mates, Neville, could he be going to Hufflepuff? He was incredibly brave during the war so maybe not but he is incredibly loyal to his friends...I see Ginny sat by Dean, my fists clench, maybe she'll be put in Slytherin that would serve her right.

I look around our table, most people had stayed, we had lost a few but most of them have been replaced.

Surprisingly we had gained a few Slytherins and even more surprisingly they didn't seem upset to be here. I hear Professor McGonagall call the last sixth years forward..Ginny stood and walked to the trophy room where she would be sorted.

After a few minutes I watch as my girlfriend emerged from the room with a huge smile on her face and she came back to Gryffindors table. Dean hugged her and I was about a second away from punching him in the face, when I heard "Blaise Zabini, Hermione Granger, Dean Thomas" being called up. I pulled Hermione in for a hug and Ron kissed her reluctant to let her go.

I sat back down by Ron in silence, staring at my untouched plate. After a few minuted I saw Zabini emerge from the trophy room with a huge grin on his face as the swaned back over to slytherins. No surprise there. Shortly after Hermione and Dean stepped out

Hermione looked to be holding back tears and she slouched over to Ravenclaw and Dean came back to Gryffindor shaking his head.

"Shit" I thought as I looked over at Ron who was staring at Heriome tears freely rolling down his face. I sat thoughtlessly while countless of my friends went to be rehoused. Parvati patil was moved to Hufflepuff, not surprising, ever since padma died in the war she had completely changed.

However very surprisingly Theodore Nott was moved to Grythindor, which he seemed extremly annoyed about.

"Harry Potter, Ronald Wealsey, Draco Malfoy" We were the last three to be called. I stood up and walked over to the trophy room, I glanced at Ron he still had tears in his eye, I heard Malfoy snigger behind me.

"Whats Wrong Potter? Think you'll be put in hufflepuff?" I ignored him and walk confidently as I could in to the trophy room.

"Ron, you will be sorted first, please have a seat" Professor McGonagall looked at Rons red face and sighed apologetically, obviously upset that she had lost Hermione as much as him.

Ron sat down and the sorting hat was placed on his head. It took barley two secounds for it to blare out Gryffindor, of course. Ron sighed obviously hoping to be put with Hermione, stood up and walk over to me and smiled sadly at me.

"Draco Malfoy" Professor McGonagall trilled, Draco sat and the hat barely touched his head before it shouted slytherin. Bloody hell, I thought his first year sorting was quick. He smirked and hissed as he walked past me "Don't worry Hufflepuff will welcome you in with open arms" he winked, which made me shiver as I walked up to the sorting hat, but not in an unpleasant way...I almost...enjoyed it.

"Have a seat Harry" Professor McGonnagal said nervously as she placed the sorting hat on my head and it burst in to life.

"Ahh Mr Potter, its been some time, hows Gryffindor treating you?" It asked me, I looked over at Ron who was still a little teary. Gryffindor had treated me brilliantly, it has given me my best friends...the golden trio.

"Perfectly thank you" I answered, I noticed Dracos laugh. Of course he though gryffindor was far from perfect.

"hmm, I can see that, you seem to have learnt all there is to know from Gryffindor, however I stand by what I said in your first year, you will do well in Slytherin. With that in mind I think i'll go with SLYTHERIN" My heart sank I felt my mouth fall open as I watched everyone elses as well.

I stood up shakily and stared at Draco who looked shocked more than upset. I hadn't even thought to worry about being placed anywhere but Gryffindor. It was where I belonged, what is happening to me!

Professor McGonagall placed her hand on my shoulder as we left the trophy room. Ron looked at me like he was about to throw up. I looked back at Malfoy who just smirked down at me.

As I entered the great hall I felt every eye watch as I took my place at Slytherin. Gasps echoed the room, I looked around the room and notice a pair of sparkling grey eyes watching me. I turned to see Draco Malfoy with a hand out to me.

"Welcome to Slytherin Potter" He smirked as I shook his hand.

This was going to be interesting..


Woahhh Haryys in Slytherin :O

I know padma patil didnt die in the books but im using it for the sake of my story Also could you please tell me if im spelling Professor McGonnagal correctly because im pretty sure im not :/

Please Comment any suggests, critism is welcome!




Thanks for reading!!


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