chapter 16.

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He really didnt see him...
He didnt know just how it happened but one minute he was driving and listening to good country funk..
And the next he heard someone scream.. The loud shrill almost deafened him.

Too late...

He looked too late.
He swerved too late...
Tires screeching. ..running into a pavement and hitting a bin can and eventually a water sauce causing the bin to dump everything as it twisted in the air..Water sprouting from the disjointed sockets that held the hose together..

Next minutes he saw a woman come out of her house running and screaming and a few others hearing the commotion following suit...

Not to him but to someone else..
Lying down lifeless on the floor..
A little form..more like a child's.

He jumps out of the car...Buck follows suit...and he rushes to the scene.
Afraid of what he would find..afraid of what he thought he had done..but he couldnt just not fond out...

'Call 911"...He heard someone say..
"Is he breathing"...another said.
"Give him space. Don't crowd him..He needs space..everyone move back"...another person said...

He was closer now breaking into the crowd and falling on his knees..and a few feet lay the lifeless form.. was a child.
A little boy not more than 6 years old..
A few bruises on his body..a cut to his forehead and blood coming out the side of his mouth..his eyes closed...

He was death stricken.

Someone grabbed his shirt...hitting him and crying. .continuously. ..
He didnt stop her.
He didnt even see her face..
He assumed she is the mother..
His visions seemed blurred..He couldnt even breath..

He realised people were pulling her away from him...

He looked around if trying to replay the scene..

He had been driving...Buck was barking and the music wasn't that loud..He was staring at the road...
But where did he come from...
He hadn't seen him..
He was sure he didn't run him over.
Atleast he thought he was sure because he didnt see him..but that didn't mean he didn't run him over.

His head had begun to hurt from the voices talking around him. Woman sobbing..people talking..some hissing. ..He coudnt hear a word..
Far away a distant sound of siren...could be the police and the ambulance..
He couldn't lift himself up...
Voices in his head were screaming now..
The shrill of that high pitched sound came back to him..

He remembered swerving after he heard the scream or was it during before he hit the pavement..
"Was it then??"...sam thought to himself..
"What had he done"...He cried ...putting his face in his hand...

He was riding a bike..must have been hit then..his bike had received some damages..worse for looks...must have been crushed by the trucks heaven tires..
He noticed didnt notice the puppy someone had pulled from under his car...left broken..and it was yelping in pain...

The ambulance had arrived.
The small crowd had given way so they could do their job..
The wailing woman entered..
Two people joined her..

He needed to follow them...He knew that..He couldnt bring himself to stand up..his body felt as though it wasn't his own.

"What have I done??
"What have u done??..
Those words came out repeatedly from his lips and all he could see was the lifeless form of a little boy not more than 6 years old and hear then Voices in his head and the vision of a wailing woman chocking him with her beating...


He had been in holding for two hours.
Not a word from anyone.

"Can anyone please just give me information on the boy..Please? ".. He asked the police man on duty.

He hadn't stopped pacing the length of the small cell. He coudnt relax.

"Was the boy dead?.."..was all he could think about.

He had requested for audience but no one wanted to answer him nor give him any information.
He had to wait it out.

They had rushed the boy to the hospital. And the police had apprehended him so they can get to the crux of the matter.

Since he coudnt verify wether he hit the kid or not they were asking for eye witnesses to come forward..
And until then...He was been kept in holding.

He didnt have any living relative close by to call..
He called his friend Damon..and told him what happened and to go find the hospital and check on the boy.
He wanted so desperately that maybe some sort of miracle would happen and it would be all a big nightmare.
But not a wprd from Damon. It's been two hours.
He was besides himself with worry.

"Oh God please..."..He prayed.


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