Chapter Five|Gavin|

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Guys read the A/N!
"House meeting!"Shawn screamed from the living room.

"Oh fuck." I let out breathingly.

House meetings are where everyone in the house no matter who you are has to come to the living room and we discuss a situation. it doesn't even matter if you are here to fix something. I remember Shawn had a house meeting when the plummer was here and we discussed the 'birds and the bees' He takes these things very seriously.

I stood up and walked to my doorway to see everyone rushing down stairs like a bunch of kids at school during a fire drill.

"Raegan hurry, wouldn't want Shawn waiting." Hayes pulled me out of my doorway.

"To be honest, I'm scared." I admitted.

"Me too." Hayes said.

I reached the living room and sat between Gilinsky and Cameron.

"Is everyone here?" Shawn wondered.

"Everyone except for Taylor."Gavin told him.

He huffed then pulled out his phone. "I'll call him." He dialed his number.

"Shawn, speaker." Nash demanded.

Shawn nodded and did as demanded and put it on speaker.

"Yo, Shawn what's up man." He greeted through the phone.

"Where are you, didn't you here that we are having a House Meeting." Shawn asked.

"Well bro, I am closer than you think." He told him.

"Why am I echoing?"

We heard a flush and Taylor walked out of the bathroom. Everyone looked at him as he hung up his phone.

"Ready for the House Meeting Mr.Mendes." He sat in the chair closest to him.

"Alright, first off Raegan is not pregnant." He confirmed.

"Thanks for that Shawn." I said with a blank face.

"Any who, while pregnancy is on the topic Julie and I have to tell all of you guys something." He put his hand on Julie's stomach and started going on and on about how he was gonna be a Dada and how happy they were.

I slouched down on the couch and leaned my head back. Time to think.

Them talking about babies makes me want one but I know I am definitely not ready and Taylor sure as hell isn't either. I know Shawn would help even if we weren't ready. I just didn't want to screw up my life.

"Alright, the house meeting is over." Shawn finally said.

"Taylor can we talk?" I pulled him aside.

"Of course." He smiled.

"This baby thing. I'm kinda ready but I wanna make sure you are ready too. I understand if you're not ready bu-" I was cut off by his lips pressed gently against mine.

"I am way over ready baby girl... Let's make sure your brother is okay with it though." He rubbed my arm.

He walked over to Shawn and whispered in Shawn's ear.

"House meeting!" Shawn yelled again.

Everyone groaned and returned to the living room.

"What now Mendes." Gilinsky rolled him eyes while crossing his arms.

"Oh not me." Shawn shook his head. "Taylor."

"Raegan and I wanna run something by all of you guys." He confessed.

"Tell us Caniff!" Hayes screamed.

"Hayes, calm." I giggled. "Anyway now I think Taylor and I are ready to have a child. What do you guys think?"

"Yeah." Hayes and Gilinsky nodded.

"You guys think so?" Taylor questioned.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted.

"Shawn what do you think?" I gulped scared of the answer.

"Absolutely, Taylor inpregnat my sister." Shawn approved.

"Well when you say it like that." Taylor shrugged.

"So everyone is good with us trying for a baby."

"Ya." Everyone rambled.

"No!" Gavin yelled louder then everyone.


Random update. It's short but it's an update so you guys wouldn't kill me... Oh yes Cliff hanger

Anyway you guys have to check out some books for me alright. The first one is.

When I Becoming Neighbors With Cameron Dallas by BriannaWoodworth This book got me so fucked up it makes me wanna curl up into a ball and cry.

The second book is

They'll Judge You Anyway by @shawnf1998 She messaged me and compliment my books so I went on her profile which I do with like all you guys... I stalk you. But anyway I seen she had a book so I read the first 3 chapters and I thought it was very good so y'all should go read it.


Love y'all

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