"I've got to to bed. I have to take Lilith to school in the morning." I sighed. "If you insist on talking, it will have to be after I drop her off." They all stood up taking this as their dismissal. None of them hugged me noting that I wasn't ready yet.

   "Goodnight Bella." Carlisle whispered smiling softly at me. I nodded.

   "Bella. I love you even if you don't forgive us. We don’t deserve for you to." Esme whispered and followed her Mate. Rosalie stopped before she went out the door.

   "I apologize for what I said earlier I had no right bringing your daughter into it." Then she was gone. Emmet smiled sadly at me.

   "I've missed you Bells." I had to give him a small smile. Edward, Alice, and Jasper were left. Edward didn't say anything then just walked out. Alice came up slowly.

   "I'm so sorry for what we did to you. Everything. Please forgive us." And she was gone, something  was behind the words but I couldn't place it. I looked at Jasper.

   "Thank you for wrapping up my hand." He smiled.

   "With pleasure Bella." He frowned for a moment. "Bella I'm sorry for that night and I'm sorry for everything we've done to cause you pain. Also I'm sorry for the pain you'll feel in the future." Before I could say anything I felt something cold press against my fore-head and they were all gone.


    "Ah hello Lilith and Ms. Swan! I'm Ms. Rogers." I smiled at her, she was about my height, with short blond hair and hazel eyes.

   "Nice to meet you." I shook her hand. Lilith shook it too and Ms. Rogers laughed.

   "My she has beautiful manners." Lilith blushed, and I beamed proudly.

   "Thank you." We both said. I looked at the clock.

   "I've got to go sweetie." I bent so I was her height. "Have a good day. I love you." I kissed her nose and she giggled.

   "Love you too mommy."


   All the cars were in my drive-way again. I took a deep breath and went inside, the others following me. I sat down in the chair, while they sat on the couches. We sat in silence for a moment, then I spoke up.

   "What exactly needs to be discussed?"

   "Your caree-"



   "How you've been-" I opened my mouth to stop the suggestions. But Jasper beat me to it.

   "I think we need to discuss what happened with us and what happened with you after we left." He spoke like a leader, he acted like the leader. I looked at Carlisle, he was beaming at Jasper.

   "I agree. I guess I'll go first. After Edward left me in the woods, I tried to look for him, yes I know stupied. I fell and was found by Sam. For months I was just there, I verily ate, I couldn't sleep because of night-mares I didn't exist. The Pack became my family, they held me together and helped bring out me. Not the old me but me, who I was. I even dated for a little bit. During the last month of high school I got a job in Seattle to work at the foster house. After two weeks of working there Lilith came in, I fell in love with her. And everyone else said she fell in love with me too, she only behaved for me, she cried when I wasn't there, just everything. I finally got the dang guts to adopt her. Charlie and the Pack fell in love with her as well. She was very spoilt, in every way. Then I got an all paid ride for a photography collage in Seattle. I had signed an application while working. The Pack took turns babysitting Lilith, I went straight to collage after and in between my work hours three hours a day, about three days a week. The other days I took care of Lilith. I got my collage and photography degree in the same year. How I became a proficonal was a miracle. I was taking pictures of Lilith when she turned three and Ricky saw us. I didn't know who he was until I got to know him better. He got me my job. I started out for a year taking pictures around Washington and when I went to Phoenix to visit mom. I started with land-scraped then I started taking pictures of models. One day while I was taking a picture of a few models, Jace the owner of the photography buisness came in. We'd never met in person, we sent emails and had over the phone conversations. He insisted I started getting photo-shots myself. I did, I limited it to a few every season. One day Charlie was called as back-up for a robbery. He was killed. I started to go into depression again. Still taking pictures but declining  the pictures being took of me. The Pack helped me again. After coming out of my state again, I got back. I started talking to Ricky and his partner Lucus about moving. They sent me a picture of this house and now here I am." Silence filled the room.

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora