"All done!" Quil shouted coming out. His voice echoing, I was glad we didn't have neighbors.  I smiled at him; Lilith looked up from her sketch book on the first step of the porch. She jumped down.

   "Can we see the rooms yet mommy?" I smiled, I could never resist her. She had black curls that fell down her back, and green eyes so light they were almost a translucent color. Her curls, light skin, and a light dash of freckles, and personality were like mine so many didn't ask if she wasn't adopted or not. They just thought she got the hair and eye color from her dad.

   "Sure." I turned to the guys. "You guys leaving?" Sam nodded a sad look in his eyes.

   "Our flight's in an hour." Quil stepped up.

   "You better call, text, write, email, I don’t care which but keep in touch." He hugged me hard, and then licked my cheek. I whipped it off, making a grossed-out face but chuckling.

   "Ok." Embery was next. He hugged me gently, placing a light kiss on my forehead like the brother he was.

   "Be safe Bells and remember your always welcome back home." I kissed his cheek. Jacob gave me another breath taking hug.

   "I know you know what you’re doing but it doesn’t stop the fact were going to worry about you. Be safe." His eyes were slightly glossy, I only left Forks for collage but I was always there on breaks. It would be harder now. "That means no friends with other freaks, fairies, mermaids, other shifters, talking garden gnome..." I slapped his shoulder lightly.

   "I promise not to talk to creepy garden gnomes. Or swim with mermaids, or ask a fairy if they could make me fly, or be friends with more shifters."

   "If you do meet a mermaid or a fairy calls me they're supposed to be super-hot." Quil said grinning. I nodded laughing, even Sam was smirking. He looked at his watch.

   "Time to go." The pack gave me one last hug, piled into the huge car and left. I felt something tug at my heart, but I need this. I turned to Lilith.

   "Ready to look at the house?" She nodded excited. I almost gasped as we walked in, everything was perfect. Down the halls and up the stairs were pictures I've took that were blown up, and special effected somehow. They went great with the white walls, and dark hard-wood flooring. Then den had my new black leather and red velvet furniture, silver plush carpet, a fire place in the corner, and more pictures. The wall sized window had red drapes over them, that were trimmed in sparkly black fabric. Lights were on the wall in elegant forms, and the glass table in the middle fit right in.

   The kitchen was a dream, a large stone bar with glass tops, a small dark wood table, and the kitchen window had jade curtains, the walls were a dark ivory color, and it was full of cabinets. 

   The stairs had a black beautiful railing, and you could admire the pictures as we went up. When we reached the next floor Lilith ran to her room and screamed with joy. I smiled as I took it in; the pack had truly spoilt her. A large four poster black painted wood bed with jade curtains and drapes, her walls were jade with a black heart design and her name done by Embery, a shelf that had her favorite small books, pictures and small nick-knacks, the carpet was gray, and she had silver shimmery curtains that covered her closet/toy entrance. The dresser in the corner held all her small necklaces, rings, clip-on earrings, and light shades of nail polish which she only used when she was in the mood for it. It was truly her.

   "Oh mommy I love it!" She cried wrapping her arms around me.

   "You uncles helped. We'll call them later so you can say thanks." She nodded eagerly, and plopped on the bed that had her favorite stuffed animals on it. Her bathroom was left alone since she didn't use it.  "I'm going to look at my room ok?" She nodded.

Venom and Love in Many Forms A Twilight Fan-fiction.Where stories live. Discover now