chapter 10

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*coffee house*

Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Ross, and the twins where all sitting in the coffee house, jack was asleep in chandler’s arms where as Erica was sitting on Monicas lap. Chandler bumped Monica with his elbow trying to get her attention. “So rach, Joey says you had a special guest over last night” chandler said putting his arm around Monica. “No she didn’t!” Ross lashed out. “How would you know Ross you don’t live with Rachel” Monica said as she passed a biscuit to Erica. “Oh he doesn’t, he’s just...Umm...Well he doesn’t like...Umm... When I have boyfriends” Rachel replied nervously laughing. “WE KNOW!” Monica shouted as she gave Erica to chandler and brushed the biscuit crumbs of her lap. “You know what?” Rachel nervously laughed looking slightly at Ross. “We know about you too!” chandler shouted. “What, how?” Ross questioned as he slammed his coffee down, “we heard you too whispering last night, its not a magic wall we could hear you” Monica said as she laughed “I can’t believe you found out Rachel’s pregnant! We hid hid it so well from you guys” Ross yelled getting evil looks from Günther “WHAT? Your pregnant!?” Monica and chandler both yelled. “You just said you’s know” Rachel said looking confused. “No we knew you’s we dating again and hiding it from us” chandler said waving his hands around. “How long have you been sneaking around” Monica asked. “A month or so” Ross replied taking a sip of his coffee. “Wow that’s not long, chandler and i where sneaking around for 6 months and no one even had a clue” Monica laughed. Chandler smiled and kissed Monica. “Congratulation by the way” chandler said throwing his hand up in the air. “Yeah congratulation” Monica said.” How far along are you pregnant?” Monica asked leaning into chandlers shoulder “we only found out last week” Rachel replied smiling at Ross”Hey you know I just realised all 3 of you girls are now pregnant”” chandler chuckled. “Yeah that’s true” Rachel said as Monica nodded along with her rubbing her belly.

*Monica and chandlers apartment*

Later that night Rachel and Ross had decided to tell everyone about them being back together and the baby. After everyone had celebrated for the third time this year, Chandler, Ross, mike and Joey had decided to go back to Rachel and joey’s apartment to have a celebration fuss ball competition, while the girl sat on the sofa and talked. “It’s so weird that we are all pregnant” Phoebe giggled. “Yeah I know, soon there will be too many kids to control” Rachel giggle. Monica smiled “I can’t wait until these 2 months are over, I will finally get to meet my little girl” Monica said rubbing her belly. “Yes I can’t wait to meet her either, I’m so happy for you and chandler” Rachel smiled. “To be honest I never thought there would ever be a day when we are all pregnant” phoebe said as she rubbed her slight baby bump belly. “Well that’s properly because I was told I could not have children naturally” Monica laughed. “Still 8 months before I get see my little babies” phoebe huffed. “9 month for...” Phoebe cut Rachel off “Oh I forgot to tell you’s this! We went to an ultrasound today and we found out the sex of the babies” phoebe said excitedly. “Really?! What are they” Monica yelled sitting up quickly from her slouged position. “No I’m not telling you’s” phoebe said as she stood up and took her glass to the sink. “What? Why? You just said you were going to tell us” Rachel said as she helped Monica up off the couch. “No I didn’t I said I ‘knew’ what the sex’s where, I never said I was going to tell yous” phoebe said. “Come ‘on pheebs, please tell us” Monica wind. “Fine but it would be allot more exciting if you found out when they were born “we are having one boy and one girl”. “One of each that’s great!” Monica said as she attempted to hug phoebe without getting her belly in the way “What are there names?” Rachel asked. “No no no, you don’t get sex’s and names in one day my friends” phoebe giggled. “Lilly stop kicking your brother” phoebe yelled as she looked down her shirt at her belly. “Dam it” phoebe wined as she looked up at the others realising she just revealed one of there names. “Fine since you just heard one I might as well tell you the other one, his name is Joseph” phoebe said as she clommed down on the chair. “Aw that’s great” Rachel and Monica chorused.

Later that night after everyone went home, Monica and chandler where washing and drying all the plates. “Phoebe is having a boy and a girl” Monica said as she passed a plate to chandler to dry. “Yeah I know, mike told us” chandler said placing the now dry plate on the shelf. “They have both their names picked out and there only 2 months pregnant, we have 1 name to pick out and we are 7 months pregnant, and we don’t even have a name!” Monica said drying her hands and crossing them. “Honey we will find our name, When we find a good one” chandler smiled as he wrapped his arms around Monica and kissed the top of her head.

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