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Madison ( picture on top )

I was cleaning up my station after doing some teenagers makeup when someone tapped my shoulder.

" Excuse me miss where can I find the Jordan Futures?"

" We don't sell those, try a Footlocker or CHAMPS", I turn around and see Nate with a big smile.

" Nate, what are you doing here!"

" I wanted to see my best friend."

" Oh so we are still friend."

" We never stopped", he laughed.


Nate and I were standing in line waiting for our Chick-fil-a order.

" So I heard you and Sam are official."

" Who told you?"

" Sam."

" Oh, but yeah we are official."

" Are you happy?"

Why is Nate asking me this? I know he use to like me, but he shouldn't since I'm with Sammy now. He can't still have feelings for me, he has to have another girl on his mind. Right?

" Yeah I am. Why are you asking me these questions?"

" I just want to make sure my best friend is happy in her relationship, I know how Sam can be."


" Thanks for lunch Nate."

" No problem lil mama."

Lil mama? Isn't that the kind of nickname you give to your girlfriend or somebody you like? I just let it go and try to hangs the subject.

" Well Nate, I have to go back to work."

" Ok, we should hang out more and catch up."

" Ok I'll call you", I smiled.


I walk into Victoria's Secret seeing Sammy organizing bras to their proper shelves.

" Baby boy", I wrap my arms around his torso.

" Baby girl."

" Are you ready to go?"

" Yeah, let me grab something from the back first."

I waited for a few minutes and Sammy comes out with his jacket and a  Victoria's Secret bag. He hands it to me with a big smile on his face.

" What's this for?"

" Look inside the bag."

I open it and see nothing inside.

" I don't get it, there's nothing inside the bag."

He comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, " that is what I want you to wear tonight."

a/n- smut in the next chapter? I'm sorry for the crappy chapter, school is making me busy now.

Victoria's Secret  s.wTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang