my acceptance speech

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(instead of writing out three speeches (I won three awards) I put them all together//I won best mackenzie ziegler fanfic (smooches, kenzie!) best other dancer fanfic (clear skies) and morning with tea read (girls chase boys)!)

oh my god, this is amazing! I cannot believe this, it's incredible that so many people enjoy reading my stories! I remember when I first started and had absolutely no clue how this worked, around a year ago and look where I am now! I've met so many cool people and I've come up with stories that everybody enjoys, whether it's raining outside, the sun's shining, or just a gloomy day.

my writing has improved so much and I feel confident, reading the comments I get or the votes I receive.

even though every day's a new adventure, it still feels like I'm only miles away from something even bigger than an adventure, and I'm only at the beginning.

thank you! every single one of you.

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