a dedication to kendallkisses

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Dear kendallkisses,

Hello. Good morning. Or good afternoon. Good evening, even. Whatever time it is for you, I hope you're having a good day.

I came across on your page and apparently you have a story called, A Clear Sky? It's a Brynn story I could tell, and I noticed that the cover is a little, tad bit, tiny, just a smudge, similar to mine. And on your page I see that your name is Alli, yet on the cover, it says Victoria?

I thought the cover was a little fishy, but eh, whatever. Ooh, another Brynn story, why don't I read it? I like reading about Brynn, and the cover seems interesting, so might as well give it a shot.

So, I click on it (ignore the description, yeah it's the exact same, but eh) and the chapter starts off as:

"The only thing I remember is that my dad worked in a tall building."

And I was like, wow, that's such a beautiful way to start off a story! It's so poetic and I've never seen anyone write it before, talk about writing goals! I also recall writing that months and months ago, for my story, Clear Skies, which is odd. I'm sorry for taking your beginning sentence, oh, silly me. I should go change that, shouldn't I?

So, I continue reading, and it's actually really good. It's worth a vote from me, I love it went. Your writing is out of this world. I only have a little issue; the originality isn't quite there...

Actually, now that I think about it, it's really not there. Here, let me explain myself, excuse me:

Delete that story. I can't even process the amount of fucking laziness and ignorance that was so fucking noticeable and said through the story, and it's a piece of shit how you're willing to take someone's story because you couldn't think of something on your own and for attention-seeking. I want that story deleted right now, and I don't care if you apologize, I want it gone. Off this site, and deleted.

A lot has happened on my time on Wattpad, and quite frankly, this is amusing. Oh, I'll just take someone's story, it's not like I have anything else to do! Get your shit together and realize that what you did was fucking full on plagiarism, you took my story word per word. Nothing about it is yours. You plagiarized, and there's nothing you can say or do that can justify it.

It is a law that plagiarism is illegal. You will be faced with serious consequences if you keep this little shitty act up. Oh my fucking God this is so hilarious, LMAO! Let me just steal someone's story and act like it's perfectly fine, HAHAHAHA!

No, you bitch.

You're a fucking lunatic with zero originality and you had no mindset whatsoever if you think what you did is not a big deal. I worked so fucking hard on that story and I can't even describe what it feels like to see that someone took it without a fucking care. It's not funny, and yeah, you may be getting publicity and a lot of people are noticing you, but in a negative way. Everyone wants you to delete that story, so you better.

Plagiarism is not a fucking joke and you better delete it the second you see this.

With all the love in the fucking planet,
- Victoria <3

(PS, A Clear Sky is a shitty title, just saying.)

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