"How though? Can you read their minds? Like look into their brains?"

"No. They no longer have brains, like I said, no physical body. What we see when regarding them is their souls, they are like books, we can read them."

"Wow. That like a demon thing? Can you read my soul?" I asked.

He shook his head. "This is just a part of a longer conversation, I have duties to attend to so this will be the last question I will answer. For starters, I am not a demon. I couldn't say if it is just our definition of a demon however demons in hell are souls that have escaped the barrier and punishment. Rogue souls. Secondly. I cannot real your soul because it hides under the cover of your body. I can however some times see hints of colors that would resemble your soul, those do explain little things. Like the way you were looking at me before."

I blushed. "Before, when?"

He removed his arm from around me and I wanted to smack myself at how much I noticed the loss of warmth around my side.

His other hand slid round onto my stomach and my eyes rose to his eyes in shock, I found myself staring at an evil smirk.

"Before we kissed." He slid his hand over my groin and I gasped and flew forward, pushing his hand away as my body reacted strongly at the affectionate touching it was being subjected to. "You went all rosy pink."

He snickered as I attempted to grip his hand away before he got me horny. I was a different person when I was horny. I got mad slutty. His arm however did not move. "Down here." His whisper sounded like a growl so close to my ear I jumped as his hand enclosed around my shaft.

I felt all my air fall absent  from my lungs as he caressed me. My hands went a little limp, now gripping on his arm for dear life as I rocked myself forwards slightly into his large warm hand. My waist bucking.

I gasped as his mouth flushed into mine with a force that pressed my body back into the stiff sofa, I didn't even care how annoying the wooden ridges at the top were as they pressed into the back of my neck. The kiss was fucking glory just all wrapped in one word.

God if just this simple of his touch was intoxicating what would the sex be like?

I felt a small held back cat moan slip out. Dribble leaving my lips feeling wet and raw. Dammit. This was all fucking crazy.

I could have cried when he removed himself from me.

"Hopefully that should leave you less defiant." He grinned. "No release, other than your own." He took a few steps away towards the door.

He was leaving now?!

I wanted to scream.

He does that and then he fucking leaves?!

And he says he isn't evil.

Okay now I get it. Devil = the shittiest form of living evil if there ever was one.

I had to hold myself back from running at him and forcing him back here to finish what he just started. He fondles me, leaves me half hard and dying for a release and leaves just when I was getting super into it.

What kind of human does that? None, that's the answer, none. Cause he's the frickin devil. Douchey bastard.

He turned to me, still far away at the door, chuckling slightly at my no doubt swollen crotch on my burning lipped, red faced form. God dammit. I wanted to throttle him as much as I wanted to fuck him.

"You will have an escort called here. He will tell you where or where not you are allowed to go, just the basic rules around here, rules specifically for you and anything else you want explained to you. Your second escort will bring your garments.

"As my diamator it will be a requirement for you to cover up suitably. Rules specifically for you will include refraining from touching any other moving thing around here. This includes animals.

"Your clothing will include a veil. I request you keep it on you any time you are in public. This is a mere rule for one as you in my home. Any other place I allow you to take it off in the company of others you will be allowed to take it off.

"Do not leave the room until the escorters make it to you. Do not go against the rules set for you. Simple punishments will have to take place if you do as such. And keep in mind, I am the devil, I know my way around a punishment or two."

His instructions were unambiguous.

It seemed as though I was going to be shoved and ordered around like some old timey Arabian queen.

I heard his evil chuckle as he left the room and left me alone sprawled out on the uncomfortable furniture wondering just what the fuck I got myself into.

Saved by the Devil (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now