One bad thing after another

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Jack lead me through the forest to the portal to the underworld and was greeted by zalgo "ahh my dear so glad you can join us" zalgo said

"Bring me to him" I spat "oh you mean ash? Follow me darling" zalgo said and I followed him to a room with a table and some food on it

"Sit my dear I'll fetch him" zalgo siad and I sat and waited a few minutes later he was brought into the room and sat at the chair across the table from me

"Ash?" I asked "I told you to leave me I don't matter" he siad "you do matter to me you were the only person who didn't either abuse me or hurt me in any way" I siad

He looked down "my daughter finally looks a little happy to see someone" zalgo said "w-what your his daughter?" Ash asked

"Regrettably so I'd prefer it if I just died" I siad looking down "we have a wedding to celebrate" zalgo said happily "what do you mean?" I asked curiously

"Your wedding my dear" zalgo said with an evil grin "who's getting married?" Ash asked "what a great question you see if Jane Mary's jac here then you will live and you sleep in her room but on the floor" zalgo said

"Why do I have to mary him?" I asked "because then your little boyfriend Jeff of yours will go crazy and he will do anything to be by your side so he will join me and we will destroy the weak creepypasta" zalgo said laughing

"No" I siad "oh really this is the only way to ensure his safety" zalgo said I looked down "fine" I said "excellent" zalgo said and walked out of the room

"Why are you doing this Jane?" Ash asked "I'm doing it for a friend that didn't hurt or abuse me like I siad before" I said

"I thank you" ash said "I'll just have to go through this and hopefully Jeff will know to calm down" I siad

"I wounderful when this stupid wedding is anyways?" I asked "it will be in 4 days" jack smiled evily "fuck off jack" I said he laughed and ran out of the room

"I remember my room so we're going to go there" I siad I walked over and helped him up he put an arm around my shoulders and we started to walk

"What happend to your legs?" I asked ash "the basterd hit me with a baseball bat" he said and we walked up the stairs jack following behind when we reached the room

I layed him on the bed and I sat on it with him and lifted his pants leg to see the wound it was all purple "oh my god" I said under my breath

"I'll be fine" he siad and he pulled me into a hug "thanks for coming back for me" ash said "any time" I siad and I rested on his chest and I drifted off to sleep

The next thing I know is someone storkeing my hair I realized it was ash and I relaxed then jack walked into the room

"What the hell do you think your doing with my future wife?" Jack spat "I'm doing something you never could" ash spat back

"And what is that?" Jack asked "I'm helping her sleep at night what do you think you can do for her?" Ash asked in a tone of a killer

"I can do lots of stuff for her" jack said in defense "like?" Ash asked "I can keep her alive" jack siad "she dosnt what you to keep her alive she wants people she trusts doing that" ash siad

With that being said jack left the room slaming the door "thanks" I said "no problem" ash said and I got up and walked to the window

I untucked my wings because they were getting sore and it felt good to let them lose ten I decided to think of ways to get out of here

Jeff's P.O.V:

We were preparing to leave before we herd a knock at the door smile answered it and threw someone inside it was jack

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat "I'm here to tell you about mine and Jane's upcoming wedding" jack said with a grin "what are you talking about?" I asked

"Me and Jane are getting married" jack said again and broke out into laughter "why are you telling me this?" I asked

"Because we want you to come to watch the girl you wanted to marry marry someone better than you" jack said "not if I remove your head" I said

"Doing that will get Jane killed" jack laughed this out I stopped and thought my way through this "come on Jeff I'll take you to see her" jack said

I nodded and followed him through the woods and to the portal to the underworld.

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