Smiles New Ablility

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I was all paranoid from that call the voice sounded familiar but I can't put my finger on it smile has been watching over me while I sleep

And Jeff has been watching over me during the day ive been very blood thirsty lately I always have a fast for blood

And I always kill to satisfy it I have been killing daily at this point

Today Jeff is taking me to the mall to get some shoes mine are worn out

I walked out of my room and smile followed behind I met Jeff in the liveing room "Jeff lets get going" I said "alright" he said

Before we walked out the door smile jumped in front of it and wagged his tail "no boy you can't come with us" I said

Then my eyes widened in shock "smile when have you learned how to do this?" I asked he transformed from a big dog to a human with pale skin like mine and black and red hair

"Are you able to talk?" I asked but he shook his head no he smiled and walked up to me and hugged me I hugged him back "damn smile you can come with us" Jeff siad

He smiled and followed us out the door we walked through the forest and into town we walked along the street to the mall

Before we went in I talked to smile about what he dose when he gets in there "smile don't snif anybody or lick Jeff listen to what Jeff says and DONT kill anybody here" I siad

He nodded his head in agreement and followed me and Jeff we walked through the mall and I saw some of the bitches that gose to my school

Jeff and smile sat on the benches outside the store I went in were I was looking I saw the group of girls approach Jeff and smile

I didn't do anything because I knew they can handle them selfes

Jeff's P.O.V:

I was sitting on the bench waiting for Jane to finish shopping but then a group of girls started to talk to me and smile

"Hey handsome what are you doing with that emo freak when you can have a real girl" the girl siad I remained calm in this situation

"I love Jane and she is not a emo freak" I said calmly "yeah she is you can do better with me" she siad rubbing up her body "I love her for her personality and the way she is I don't love her for her body" I said

"Oh come on baby I need you" she pleeded "I'm waiting for my girlfriend" I siad

"Your dateing her!?" She yelled "yes now go" I siad "what about you big boy what to date me?" She asked smile I looked at smile

He looked back and he shook his head and the girls started to complain while walking away me and smile high fives and waited for Jane to come out

After a few minutes she walked out and we walked out of the mall and we were approached by a van a group of guys came out of it they all had knives

"Give us that pretty little girl you have there and no one gets hurt" the man demanded "OK but can we got to an ally way?" I asked with a smile

"Oh you want it done in front of your friends?" He asked with a perverted smile I nodded my head and he walked us to an alley

"Alright no undress for me baby" the man orderd "actually I was thinking differently you see these to boys with me?" I asked "yeah what about them?" He asked

"This one is Jeff the killer and this one is smile" I siad "yeah right they look nothing like them" the man said "oh really?" Is siad "guys" I siad

Then they both went into there original forms they were all in shock "and this lovely lady right here is my girlfriend Jane the killer" Jeff siad

Then smile lunged at a guy and tore his head off and Jeff slit a guys throat and whisperd "go to sleep" and ten I joined in the fun and killed off two and 2 minutes later they were all dead

"Good job guys" I said and we started to walk home.

Jeff and Jane the killer (love story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن