First Meeting

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"What do you want from me laughing jack?" I asked. I was worried of what he was going to say but, I just remained quiet. "I want you for myself" he said.

I went wide eyed, "you look as if it's a bad thing." jack said with a devious grin.

I quickly got up, "where are you going my dear?" Laughing Jack asked,"I'm tired" I said "come with me I'll show you were you can sleep tonight." Jack said

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to a room in a tent that is of course black and white the room was nice it was as good as it gets I should say "this is were you will be sleeping tonight." Jack said, I didn't reapond. "your welcome" jack said

I laid in the bed and got comfortable and that is when I realized jack was laying in the bed "what are you doing?" I asked "what do you think?"," I'm tired to" I just decided to let it be and sleep on the floor.

I woke up to Jeff shaking me awake "wake up! wake up! Lj is trying to take you away from me!" I woke up and Jeff sighed in relief "hey! Whats the matter?" I asked concerned "jack is trying to take you." he said sad

"I'm not going anywere." I said Jeff hugged me.

Hey guys its me I really hope you guy like the story and I will be adding more, till then guys bye

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