janes recovery

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Jeff's P.O.V:

I woke up to an arm around me I looked and saw Angel she looked just like Jane I looked at her for a few minutes then I carefully moved her arm and got up

I got out of the bed and walked to Jane's room I quietly opend her door I saw smile was on Jane's bed laying next to her and Jane had her hand on his side

"She must of pet him until she fell asleep" I thought I walked over and sat on her bed and just waited till she woke up

An hour later:

Jeff's P.O.V:

An hour has passed and Jane started to wake up smile was already up and waging his tale when Jane woke up partially I hugged her and smile licked her

Jane's P.O.V:

I woke up to being hugged and licked I laughed a little and got out of the bed "I'm hungry" I complained "I'll get you something hold on" Jeff said and ran out of my room

I was sitting there patiently until I started to wonder were Angel is "smile were is Angel?" I asked him he got up and walked to my door I followed him

And he led me to Jeff's room "why the fuck would she be in here" I thought I walked in and saw Angel sleeping on Jeff's bed I closed the door and went back to my room

After 10 minutes Jeff returned with a tray of pancakes "Jeff?" I aksed "yes?" He asked "why is Angel sleeping in your bed?" I asked with my arms crossed

"Oh um she wanted to sleep so I told her she can sleep in my bed" Jeff said a little nervous which I can easily sense "why so nervous?" I aksed with a smirk on my face

"I'm not nervous" he said in defense "did you stuff with Angel?" I asked "no I would never do that to you" Jeff said

"Let me just go and ask her then" I said and got up from the bed and started to walk to Jeff's room "when I got there I opend the door

" Angel" I called "yes?" I herd her say in a sleepy voice "can I ask you a few questions?" I siad "yeah sure what is it?" Angel asked and sat up

"Did you do stuff with Jeff last night?" I asked "I don't know" she said "what can you remember?" I asked sweetly "we cuddled but I can't remember anything else" she said

"OK thank you Angel" I said "any time" Angel said and fell back to sleep "oh Jane" I herd Angel say "yes?" I asked "can we fuse?" She asked "sure" I said

She got up and put her hands in mine and she vanished I then walked back over to Jeff "just slept hu?" I said pissed off "please I didn't do anything with her" Jeff said

I walked past him to my room and went to my dresser and took out an outfit and walked into the bathroom and took a shower because I haven't taken one in ten years

After I was done I got dressed brushed my hair and teeth and walked out of the bathroom out of my room and walked downstairs for breakfast

I sat at an empty chair was instantly looked at "hi Jane" everyone said "hi" I said "we missed you" they all said "I missed you guys to" I siad and we proceeded to eat our breakfast Jeff came down but I didn't look at him

Then after breakfast I decided to go outside and get some air I walked out of the mansion and was instantly hit by a cool breeze I didn't mind I liked the breeze I sat on the porch and enjoyed it

After about an hour I started to here noises I looked and saw a figure in the distance I got up and untucked my wings and waited for a battle

Then the person came into veiw "your awake" L.J siad "yup" I said and sat back down "I missed you" he said "I haven't been awake for ten years" I siad

"What are you doing here L.J?" I asked "I'm here to see you I haven't seen you in awile" he said "I like your wings" he said "thank you" I siad

And we just sat there until we herd someone walk out "you know your not allowed to be here L.J" I herd slendy say "I know I just wanted to see how Jane was doing thats all" L.J said

"It was nice catching up with you" he siad "you to" I said and he walked away "child what is the matter?" Slendy asked "nothing" I said

"You seem stressed and I'm always here to talk" he said "know thanks slendy" I said and hugged him "not a problem child" slendy said and walked back in I did the same

I sat on the sofa and watched t.v with Ben for awile "whats up Jane?" he asked "nothing much" I said my phone then began to ring

I then answered it "hello?" I aksed "hello my dear" I herd a mysterious voice say "who is this?" I asked "I'm the person that you are going to marry soon enough" he said and endded the call

Ben looked at me "is everything ok!?" He asked "no" I siad "what happend?" Ben asked "a man called me and said I'm going to marry him" I said

"You need to tell Jeff and slendy" Ben said and I did just that I walked up to Jeff's room and knocked on the door "go away" I herd Jeff say "let me in Jeff this is important," I said

And he quickly opend my door "what is it?" He asked "a man called me and wouldn't tell me his name but he said he is going to marry me" I explained

He nodded and we walked to slendy and told him the same thing "we will keep a look out for you Jane" he siad and I went up to my room and sat on my bed.

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