Returning to school

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I woke up to my phone ringing I answerd it "hello" I said in a sleepy voice "hey Jane how are you?" Asked ash "I'm fine" I said

"Great I was woundering if you were going to school today" he said "I'm getting ready I'll be there soon" I said "OK see you then bye" ash said "bye" I said and hung up

I got up and went into the shower and undressed and went in after about 20 minutes I got out and dryed off and brushed my hair and teeth and walked out of the bathroom

I put on some joggers and a black thermal I then walked out of my bathroom and room and walked over to slendy's office and I knocked on the door and waited

"Come in" I herd and I walked in and he gestured for me to sit so I did "how may I help you child?" Slendy asked "slendy would it be OK if I attend school today?" I asked

"Yes but please be careful and use your illusion form" he said "OK" I said "one more thing Jeff and Ben are going to be in your class to keep you safe" slendy said

"OK thanks slendy" I said "anytime child" slendy said and I walked out and I was about to walk out the door until I was stopped "were are you off to?" Jeff asked

"I'm going t school" I said and he gave me a hug and I walked out onconce on the porch I thought of my old appearance and my illusion form was triggered

I then started to walk to school after about an half an hour I aarrived at the large building like usual the girls always staring at me and te guys always being guys

I then walked into the building and I bumped into ash "Jane" he said excited and he hugged me I hugged him back and smiled

"We're have you been?" He asked concerned "I can't say" I said "why?" He asked "I just cant" I said and he just smiled and said "well I'm glad your here" he said

We then walked to first period and it was math I then felt guilt because I killed my math teacher and I saw my new teacher

"Hello class my name is mr. Jefferson I'm your new teacher" he said then he was off teaching a lesson I already knew my work so I just quickly got it done with

Then I gave my paper to ash and he started to copy after a few minutes he gave me my paper back and I looked at text messages on my phone

Jeff: looks like we are going to be class mates babe

Me: yes do you mind?

Jeff: no as long as I'm with you.

Me: I love you

Jeff: I love you to

Me: bye

Jeff: bye

And I got back to what was going on around me after a few hours of assignments it was time for lunch and I didn't eat anything I was just going to wait

Till I get back to the mansion I sat at an empty table and ash followed "aren't you going to eat?" Ash asked "no I'm going to wait till later" I said

After lunch was over it was time to go home I said my goodbyes to ash and ran off ash tride to follow but I'm a fast runner and he saw me run into the forest

When I was running I tripped and fell I was getting up slowly "what is a pretty girl like you getting on your hands and knees" a strange voice said

I turned and saw a man that looked dirty he was smiling at me and got up starting to walk to me I had to think of a way to get out of this situation fast

I then rememberd I was in my illusion form I then thought of a depressing memory and I turned back to my normal form the man was shocked

And I smiled then pulled out a knife and talked him to the floor and stabbed him in the eye he screamed in pain "do you think you can be a perv to get girls?" I asked be continued to scream

I realized I had tro get home or Jeff will get worried I slit the guys throat and ran home when I got there Jeff saw the blood and smirked "I see you had some fun" Jeff said

"Just some perv in the woods" I said and Jeff hugged me "no one else can have you" Jeff whispered in my ear and I walked up stairs and went in my room to change to embrace the rest of the day.

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