Followed By Family

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I was still petting smile when Jeff asked me again "why did you leave?" He asked "I left because I don't want to be used or abused or locked in a cage" I said

"And I slept there with you" Jeff said he then walked over and sat in front of me "Jane your never going to lose me" Jeff said

"I'm not going back and you have to go back" I said "no" Jeff said "and who are they?" Jeff gestures to the family

"They are a loving familfamily who has taken care of me when I was in pain" I said Jeff then looked at the family "they are with me because I didn't want them to be killed" I said

"Fallen Angel" I said and my other part appeared "who is she?" Jeff asked "I am another part of Jane" Angel said "she summons me to tell you the exact reason she is not going to go home back to the cage" Angel said

"She feels used betrayed unwanted and unloved she wants to learn what love is supposed to feel like and with this family she was shown what love is" Angel explained

"Jane I love you" Jeff said "if I didn't love you I wouldn't of followed you so I can see your face I haven't slept in 2 days because I wasn't able to see your face"

"You love me but my father dosnt he through me away until I was strong enough to kill everything on this planet and now I'm the most important thing in his life what about the countless years of me being alone" I said

"Jane I know evereverything has been hard for you and I really wish I could help but I can unless you listen to me" Jeff siad

"I'm listening what do yyou want me to lisent to?" I asked "the family is depressed you can feel it in the air they are miserable without you I'm dieing on the inside" Jeff said

"Because your not there I haven't slept and eaten I need you there we all do" Jeff said

I got up "you guys are miserable without me there? What about me I was locked in a cage!" I yelled back crying "please give me one more chance" Jeff said

I sank to my knees and thought "Jane you must go back I can sense in Jeff that he is dieing if you say no to him he will die I trust you to make the right decision" Angel siad
"Ok" I thought "I'll come back but anything that requiers me to be locked away I'm leaving" I said "tank you" he said hugging me

"And Jeff keep the others from killing these good people" I said "no problem my love" Jeff siad

I turned to them and walked over "thank you for everything you have done for me" I said she then pulled me into a hug I felt safe is this what a mother feels like

After she let go Isabella hugged me next then Iggy then Thomas "please come back and visit" they said "I will" I said and I walked with Jeff and smile at my side

I stopped and smile did as well I pet then kissed his head and he rubbed his head all over my body "rubbing your sent on my baby?" I asked smile's grin grew wider and I got up and started walking

A few minutes later I herd noises I then untucked mymwings and grew Fang's and claws I was on full alert that is when I seen a figure step out of the forest

I saw jack he looked sad and I went back to normal I looked at him curiously and he spoke "I'm sorry" he said and vanished

Me and Jeff continued to walk I didn't say a word and a few moments later my legs gave out and I started to feel really weak

"Whats wrong?" Jeff asked concerned "I don't know" I said "cN you move?" He asked "not very much" I looked at smile "do you feel like carrying me boy?" I asked

He layed on the ground and I climbed on top of him "OK lets move" I siad and we started to move a few hours later and we arrived at the mansion

I don't want anyone talking to me right now so when the mansion came in sight I closed my eyes "I'm back" Jeff yelled "you didn't find her did you?" Clockwork asked

"Actually" he said and moved out of smiles way and smile brought me into veiw "omg" she called out and everyone filled the room

"What happend to her?" Ben asked "she must of fallen asleep on the way back" he siad and he rubbed my hair "I'm just glad she is back" E.J said

"Bring me to my room" I whisperd so only smile can here and he obeyd and brought me to my room when I got in my bed smile hopped on and layed on my lap I pet his fur and slowly fell asleep.

Jeff and Jane the killer (love story)Where stories live. Discover now