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I felt nothing but the thirst of blood I haven't killed in a week "get out of my way" I said "I can't let you leave" Jeff said

"Let me go willingly or I'll force my way threw you" I spat "listen to yourself" Jeff said "I won't ask again" I said threw gritted teeth

I clenched my knife and lunged at Jeff but was tackled by smile I thought of how to get free and I thought of something

"Please get off your hurting me" I said smile was about to get off until Jeff orderd Him to "stay she isn't herself she is tricking you" Jeff warned

"What is happening?" E.J asked "she's changed" Jeff said "she's trying to escape" Jeff said then everyone in the house filled in

While everyone was distracted I took the chance and I manedged to throw smile off me and run out of my room I thought of the consequences but really didn't care right now

All I cared about is blood I felt a burning sensation on my leg and noticed that I was cut I kept running blood pouring from my leg

I ran down the hall and was grabbed by slendy his tentecle wrapped around me tightly but I stabbed it and he let go the pain grew more immense and I tracked a trail of blood behind me

I was then grabbed again but this time by clockwork "STOP struggling please!" She begged blood tears pouring from her face

I started to tear up and then the others caught u with me and saw the blood and saw clockwork sitting on me holding my hands above my head I then couldn't think strait anymore

"Blood" I whisperd "what?" Clockwork asked not hearing me she leaned in closer to me and I lifted my head to her ear "I want blood" I whisperd again licking her ear

I then laughed maniacally everyone looked at clockwork confused "what did she say?" Asked Jeff "she wants blood" clockwork said putting a hand to her ear were I licked it

"She lost it" E.J said "let me go" I said and struggled more but clockwork was extremely focused and not distracted in any way about 5 minutes passed and I stopped struggling and closed my eyes

"Is she dewad?" Asked Ben "no I can feel her heart beat" clockwork said "slendy what do we do you can see she lost it" Ben explained

"Enough all she needs is to kill to satisfy her craveing Jeff go to town and get someone and bring it back here for Jane and make it quick" slendy said

He then looked at me not saying a word I kept my eyes shut and slowed my breathing and stopped struggling after what seemed like an eternity I herd the door I opend my eyes and saw Jeff with a person I smiled

I tride to get up but clockwork still was holding me down "get off her child she won't escape" slendy said clockwork hesitated but got off me

I stood up and grabbed my knife and walked over to the person I saw it was a kid that used to bully me "well well well what do we have here?" I asked the boy looked up at me

"What do you want bitch" he spat "thats not nice" I said in my cherry voice "Fuck you!" I spat again I quickly walked over to him grabbed his throat and stuck my knife into his eye

He screamed in agony "am I the bitch now?" I asked he just continued to hold his eye after I saw the blood i calmed down then blacked out

I woke up I don't even remember falling asleep in my bed someone must of brought me here I looked around and saw it was night time

I got up and walked over to the mirror I had drops of blood on my face so I decided to take a shower I walked into my bathroom closed and locked the door and turned the water on

After the water was ready I walked in after my shower I went to my sink and brushed my teeth and hair then wrapped a towel around my body and left the bathroom

I then saw a figure in the shadows as I was getting ready to change "shit" I mutterd as I was finding clothes in my bag I I found a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and was about to leave the bed

As I was pulled back then I was sitting on the bed with the figure behind me I was shaking I felt something sharp on my back it felt like claws or a knife

Ten I slowly turned around and saw L.J laying there I grabbed my towel and pulled it tight against my body "hello !y dear long time no see" L.J said "what do you want?" I asked

"I saw you through the window earlier when you were being held down prevented from leaving to satisfy your cravings come with me I know a place were you will not be prevented of killing come with me and you'll see" jack said

"I can't just leave them they are my family" I said tearin up "I don't know what to do" I mutterd to myself "you can come with me" jack answerd then I herd someone knock jack was trying to teleport me but he didnt have enough power

Then I herd the door break down and saw Jeff "get away from her!" Jeff spat and grabbed my hand and yanked me twords him "she will be ours she will become one of us at her own free will" jack said while laughing

Then he disapeard "what did he tell you?" Jeff asked "nothing," I said "Jane?" He said "you cut him off before he could say what he was intending on saying" I said

I then walked over to the bathroom and changed for the night and went to sleep.

Jeff and Jane the killer (love story)Where stories live. Discover now