Eleventh Sighting

Start from the beginning

Alois sighed loudly. "I was enjoying the scene. You should have let Ciel nurse you for longer and you should have added another romantic line in too."

"There's a time and a place for that and it isn't now," Sebastian said and accepted a tissue from Ciel. "Ciel, you wanted to ask Ash something."

Ciel nodded and walked over to his parents' murderer. He had been waiting for this moment for years and he couldn't spoil it now by not knowing what to say. He had to choose his words carefully or the plan would be ruined.

"Why did you kill my parents?"

Ash looked unsurprised by the question and was brutally honest.

"Because they were in my way. Vincent Phantomhive was in the midst of setting up a confectionary line that would rival my own. I prefer to kill my competition before they get too successful."

Ciel moved onto the next question. They needed confirmation of Angela's role in the whole affair.

"How do you choose rivals to kill? Do you decide or is it your wife?"

At the mention of her name, Angela narrowed her eyes at him.

"Angela does. She is a germophobe and hates the sight of blood so I do the killing."

The phantom thief turned to the female involved.

"Is that true?"

"Yes," she answered. "I choose, he kills."

"Who decided on the tax evasion?" he changed the subject.

"I did," Ash volunteered. "Why are you asking all these questions?"

"I will tell you after the next one," Ciel replied with a smirk. "Is it true that you bribe members of the Police?"

"I do. It is amazing what you can do if you are rich."

Ciel drew a phone out of his pocket and stopped the recording that had been in process.

"Thank you for your cooperation, we just needed a little more undisputable evidence to ensure you both get a long prison sentence," he said and pocketed the phone again. "How long do we have left?"

Sebastian checked his watch. "Four minutes at the shortest. Take the back door as we need to the climbing equipment to suggest the thief came from outside."

Ciel and his aunt left the room whilst Sebastian helped Alois take off the phantom thief costume from over his clothes.

"When everyone wakes up, it will appear that the phantom thief has restrained you two and escaped," Sebastian explained. "Don't bother trying to tell the truth about this heist: no one will believe you. You were the ones to attack Tanaka, Chief Inspector Durless and myself. Those are hardly the actions of truthful and reliable witnesses."

That part of the plan went without a hitch. Ash was smart enough to know he had no chance of protesting his innocence with his fingerprints all over the knife found at the scene, the book used to knock "Ciel" out and Angela's prints over another knife that had been used to stab Tanaka. The former butler had been taken away by ambulance and the paramedics were optimistic about his recovery as the wound had not been deep. "Ciel" was treated at the scene for his head injury and Sebastian's cheek had stitches.

The evidence they had found left the house in Mey-Rin's bag as her questioning went on for the shortest time because she had been unconscious for the entire heist.


A week after the heist, Ciel anonymously sent one copy of the evidence and an edited version of the recording to Scotland Yard and another copy to the press. He and Sebastian had decided that certain newspapers would jump at the chance of unveiling a major figure in the business world as being a criminal. That decision was made in case Scotland Yard dismissed the evidence as being fake or tried to cover it up.

Moonlit Meetings (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) (Sebastian x Ciel)Where stories live. Discover now