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Until .....

I feel like I peed already . I was so shy and run to the bathroom . Jungkook scream and I'm burst into laughters . If you guys think I'm having menstruation , nahh . I'm pregnant . Ehehehehehehe .

Jungkook are the one who should be blame . Who ask him for not letting me go .

" yaaa jagiiii !!! How dare you peed on me ????? " he asked with angry tone .

I take a bath and once again . I forgot my towel . So I come out of the bathroom quickly and take my towel . I wrapped myself and try to find my the best outfit . And tadaaaaa , jogger pants and loose hoodie .

I go downstair and Kookie is wiping my ammonia ( the chemistry term for the waste product xD) . And i feel pity on him . Well , its my ammonia . Urgh , i know it kinda gross .

I approached him and help him to wipe it . I didnt dare to look into his eyes since I was so shy to peed on him . I know how silly am I . Lol . Who cares .

I've done wiping it and I go upstairs due to my shyness . And .......

" just go away from me ! I never getting back together! You such a slut . You better go and find other men that willing to have a slut as their girlfriend !! "

He is on the phone with someone . I peeked and realised that Jungkook already know that i heard all of it .

He open the door and smile to me .

" wae jagi ? " he patted my head .
" you talking to who ? " I asked curiously .
" nahh . Just a slut . Want your cutie boyfriend to be their boyfriend " he giggled .
" pftttt . Cutie ? Not at all . " I rolled my eyes .

After he hear my response , he start to chase me . I was shock by his respond and I fall down at the staircase and my ankle is sprained T.T he quickly take me to the nearest clinic and thanks god , it just a minor .

He carry me like bridal-style into the house and lay me on our bed .

" yaa , why are you making me like a queen ? It just a minor injured . " I caressed his cheek .
" i dont mind because you are my only queen and i am your king . " he wink .



" jagi , dont you think we need to end this relationship ? " he asked with a cold tone .

I was so shocked and about to cry . Both of us already have a son , Jeon Jung Ah . I start to think about the future . How my child gonna grow up without father . I scream to him

" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING JEON JUNGKOOK ??? after all this years , you want to end this relationship ?? How about our son ? You want to leave him also ? How could you ... I thought that we're gonna be forever but you broke all your promise . I repeat , ALL . How dare you ... " I burst into tears and speechless .

Jungkook hold my chin and force me to look into his eyes . He took out something from his pocket and ....


" dear (y/n) , will you be my queen ? No matter when I'm down or up , you will always by my side . Even when I'm blind one day , will you hold my hand ? If I will deaf one day , will you still talk to me ? Jagi , you might not understand how much I love you . You dont know what happen if I lose both of you . Do you still remember when I know that you having a disease ? I feel like I will lose you . But then , the fate are on my side . You still alive until now . You may not know how much I thanks God because of you . If i never met you , what will happen to me ? I repeat , dear (y/n) , will you be my wife , my queen , mother for my child and the only one in my heart ? " he kneeled and look into my eyes deeply .

I'm speechless but at the same time , I am the happiest person .

" YES JUNGKOOK YES ! " i screamed and hug him .

And our married day (idk the specific word T.T) become the best moment of my life . Right now... guess what ?


My forever love , Jungkook .


sorry for some typo and so on . Hope you like it ❤❤❤

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