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And .....

He put his arm around my neck and lead me to the dining table and having a breakfast . It kinda silent moment . I look at him and he just enjoying his breakfast . I feel so weird because usually he will tease me . Is he mad at me ? But why ? I try to start the conversation .

" hmm kookie , lets start the lesson today okay ? I'll teach you step by step " I say while touch his hand .
" hm . Okey " he take his hand from me .
" are you mad ? Did I make any mistakes ? "
" nope . "
" ooo okey . "

He finish his breakfast and wash his own dishes . Again , he ignore me . I feel really guilty right now . What did I do just now ? Hmm . I guess I didnt do anything that hurt his feelings . I better ask after this . I wash my dishes and go to the living room . He lay peacefully on the sofa . I approach him and I look him . He asleep . I touch his face and suddenly I burst into tears . I dont know why but it hurt me too when he didnt treat me well . Out of the blue , my tears accidentally fall into his face . I quickly wipe it and he's awake . I try to run away but he grab my wrist which make me fall into him . Our faces are so near as I can feel his breath . I look deeply into his eyes . And he smile to me .


" hey , why are you crying ? " he ask while showing his rabbit teeth .
" you look like dont want to be friend with me again " I pout
" awww . My little princess feel sad because her prince charming didnt treat her well today . Sorry _____(y/n) . I didnt mean want to make you feel like that but I just want to test you whether you love me or not " he said while playing my hairs .
" stop playing with my hair ! Urghh . Look ! You destroy my braid " I make very-angry face .
" argh ? Jinjja ? Mianhae . Sorry . I dont know . Hm hm hm hm " he look like very nervous .

I burst into laugh and he look at me with what-the-fuck-with-you face . I tell him that I didnt mad at all at he tickle me . We laugh so much and I realise that I was on top of him . Both of us feel awkward and I walk away to the kitchen .

" _____(y/n) , do you want to go to my place ? I mean , meet those bangtan members . " he ask while looking at his phone .
" sure !!! " I scream excitedly
" aaaa okey . Be ready in 5 minutes . My driver will come " he startled a little bit .

I show him the okay sign and get ready . I feel so nervous all the way to his place . As we arrived , I cant close my mouth because I was so amaze with the sorrounding . BIGHIT ENT . oh goshhhh . The building just too big and the people there just so kind ! Jungkook lead me to their practice room .

" so this is my practice room " he open the door and the first person I see is V .

Woowwww . V is so handsome in real life . He is so tall and handsome while me is just a shorty and a potato . He greet me and show his square smile . KYEOWO !

" hi ! You must be the girl that Kookie always told me " he say and Jungkook give him a death stare .
" haa ? What did ...... "
" hey , I'm suga . Nice to meet you . Woww , you such a swag . Yeahh " Suga say while looking at my style .
" hi I'm Jimin ! You can call me Chim Chim " he greet me and give me the sweetest smile .

Awwwww . This ChimChim is so cute . I cant resist his cuteness .

" hello . I'm Kim Namjoon . Just call me Namjoon "
" I'm Jay to the H to the O to the P to the E . JHOPE . I'm your hope . " he wink at me . This also a beautiful and cute creatures after ChimChim .
" annyeong . I'm Jin . " he smile .

They start to practice and it was so amazing !!! I really love them since their debut . Now they are practicing Blanket Kick . Awwwwww . I can see my Kookie . Just so cute . And then they keep on practice .

After a few songs , they take a rest for a while . Jungkook approach me and I wipe his sweat with my handkerchief . He stare at me and take my hand . He kiss it and other members are whispering among each other . I feel so blushing and he suddenly giggled .

" are both of you having a relationship ? " Namjoon ask .
" nope . We just friend . " Jungkook answer him .
I nod .

V and Jungkook go to the grocery nearby to buy food. ChimChim and Jhope come to me and ask something .


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