Chapter 9

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<<~~ Maddys POV ~~>>

I jump into my car. I'm so happy they let me finish early. Like 3 weeks early. I can't wait to surprise Sean and the kids.

I rush down the motorway hitting 90. (Miles Per Hour) it's a straight road to Donegal. I can't wait to see my baby's.
I text Sean when I pull up at the house.

'Look outside :D <3'

I wait in the car until he comes to the window. After 5 mins I hop out of the car anyway. His phone is probably Dead. I walk in the door and creep into the sitting room. I hid behind one of the couches as I see Sean and Mark walk in from the kitchen laughing. Sean is carrying a cup of tea and Mark is carrying coffee. I jump out from behind the couch and scream "BOO!"

Sean jumps and spills all his tea over Mark. He runs over to me and hugs me, half out of protection of himself and half cause he loves me. I smile and kiss him. I get the usual tingles from his touch. They never get old.

Meanwhile, Mark is standing with scalding hot tea around him. I look past Sean over to Mark and can't help but giggle at the expression on his face.

"Fuck You!!!" He shouts. He turns and walks into the kitchen to get a towel.

"I missed you beautiful." Sean says to me, with his hands on my waist. I drape my hands around his shoulders and say,

"I missed you more gorgeous." I can't help but stare at him. He's so hot. His eyes are perfect and he has this chiseled jawline and his lips are plump and perfect and he has this amazing body but his personality is the best. The man wouldn't hurt a fly if you put a gun to his head. I love him so much.

"Where are the kids?" I ask.

"They're over at Liam's house for the night." Liam is James' best friend.

Mark walks back in, dry this time.

"Mark, me and Maddy are going to to up to the room. I haven't seen her in ages and want to catch up with her."

"Seanie. All you want is sex."

We both laugh. I take his hand and lead him up to the room. We walk into the room when I just stop and stare at him. I close the door and turn back. Our lips collide sending shockwaves through my body. The next thing I know is I'm on the bed with him. I unbutton his shirt and he takes mine off. All of a sudden we are both naked and I relax and let him take me to cloud 9.

When She's Not Here. (Sequel to 'Him, Me and Them.)Where stories live. Discover now